Paytons passed and story

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The world had plenty of problems and sometimes it didn't. Love was one of those things that made me smile and take a step forward into the future.

I looked at her as she was covering her face with her hood.

Payton:  take it off...

I took a step towards her. And I grabbed her shoulder gently.
She takes her hood done. She had a black eye and I looked in her eyes as I lifted her chin.

Payton: Rose tell me what's going on.

She hesitated as she looked at me

Rose: Payton its my parents... my mother didn't agree on this marriage. Maybe because of are age....

I looked away and got up. I walked to the window.

( she was being abused by her parents. I hated seeing someone I loved being hurt. Knowing I can do anything to stop it. )

Payton: we can leave... pack your stuff and I will meet you at that tree.

I moved to her as she smiled at me.

Rose: okay..  pay..

I hugged her and we let go she got up and opened the door.

Rose:... Payton.....

I turned to her as she was playing with something in her pocket.

Payton: yeah ?

Rose: nothing...

She closed the door and left I grabbed my phone from the couch and saw I had 7 missed calls from my father.

Payton: shit..

I grabbed my stuff and took off from are apartment. Got in the car and headed home.

dad: moormeier...

I walked in the room and my dad was holding a invitation to my wedding.

( I told her not to send my family none of them.... )

Payton: what father?

Dad: your only 19 years old ? Throwing your life away just like your pathetic mother.

I clinched my hand as I held in my anger.

Payton: that's funny... I don't remember giving you a invitation?.... must of been a mix up... it's supposed to be for my mother... oh yeah... that's right... you killed her

He looked at me as he looked at the invitation and tore it apart in front of me.

Dad: you have no decision to what I do here. Maybe I should have killed you to moormeier. When I look at you all I see is despondent..

He threw the pieces of the invitation on the floor.

Payton: I shouldn't have to ask for your

Dad: your 19 and she is 18 years old. You let this go now or I will put you down !!

He pulled out a gun and pointed it to me

Payton: your going to shoot your own son?.... nothing new you already know how to kill family.

I took two steps towards the gun and it was touching my forhead.

Payton: come on shoot me...

I moved my hands back as my dad puts the gun down

Dad: you can't do this... Payton...

He moved back as he puts the gun on the table.

Payton: why ?!

Dad: I will be hunted down.. I will be killed by another clan... they been following me... I did the only thing I have to do and I put your name on everything.. you will take over...

I looked at him as I lost my life... my world was color and went straight to black and white...

Dad: I know it's a lot to take in... and you don't understand any of this.. you will now soon.. why I'm doing what I'm doing.. why I did what I did to your mother..

Payton: dad... no.. I can't do this.. you can't do this to m-...

Dad: you be careful you have to follow rules or you will be hold accountable for your actions.. you can't marry her.. she's not a one of the tribute.. if you continue to do this marriage you will be killed and so will she.

I covered my face as I walked away.

Life wasn't fair.... And nothing was ever the same....

I walked out of the house and walked to my car got in and took off to the building. I parked my car on the side. Got out and walked to the front entrance.

Payton: god I hate this part.

Front desk:  hi welcome to hrvys industry.. how my I help you ?

Payton: hrvy ?.... industry?

Front desk: yeah that's what it says on the building?

Payton: ...

Hrvy: well well well.... moormeier ?

Payton: shit....

I turned around to see the one and only hrvy Leigh Cantwell..

Payton: my father has done something that I want to take off.

Hrvy: like you being a boss taking your father's place when you didn't earn it.

Payton: I didn't want it..and  I didn't ask to be one of your fucking puppets.

Hrvy smiled as he takes a step toward me.

Hrvy: well you taking off your father's hard work just so you can get married to rose ? I don't think your father would appreciate it..

Payton: you stay the fuck out of my personal business.

Hrvy: rose..... I mean well why even give what ever teenager wants.... think about that..

Payton: fuck you.

I turned around and walked away


I kept walked and went to my car and got in... I turned my car on and put the radio on...

  *Mister moormeier pronounced died in his own home. Looks like there was a struggle. We will come back intell further details. *

I turned the radio off and looked straight ahead.

( once... my mother told me it's okay to close one door.. others will open.. )

I drove to where I was supposed to meet rose at. I stopped the car so I can see from the distance. It starts to rain as I see rose trying to see where I was.

(  if you love someone... let them go.. )

I drove forward and she saw me and I just stepped on the gas.. and drove off.I looked in the mirror and saw her looking from the tree...

                      if there could be a memory that I would want erased from my life.... it would be the decision I made ....

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