part 1

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I got off my computer and opened my office doors.

????: the one the only Payton moormeier.

He moved towards me and puts his gun on the coffee table.

????: dont you worry I'm playing fair.

He smirks and covers his face with his hand.

Payton: you aren't allowed her joe..

He puts his hands down and looks at me. He stayed silent and pointed upstairs.

Joe: your beautiful wife.... if only you new the truth..

I looked away as he stude there looking at me seriously.

Joe: she's not going to last long...

I looked at him as he gave me a devilish smile.  The lights soon turned off.

Nicole : PAYT-...

I ran upstairs as I was about to open my bedroom door it stayed locked. I heard her scream and stuff breaking. I tried to bust the door down but nothing worked.
It soon got silent

Payton: baby? NICOLE!!?

I put my hands on the door as It slowly opened. With the window open the moon light was making me see..

Payton: nic-...

She was on the bed lying in a pool of blood. I moved away from the bed as a shadow was appearing near the window.

Joe: I did you a favor...

A tear fell as I glanced at him

Payton: you call this a favor?  This isn't a fucking favor !?

He moved towards me as he threw a picture on the floor.

Joe: you killed my beloved... remember?
At that time you didn't play it fucking fair. You deserve to suffer!  And I will be the one that makes you fall.

He moved towards the window. As I glanced at the picture.

Payton: Rose..

( remembering all those time... she didn't even choose between us. She was my first love. Down the line she was Joe's first love. )

I got up holding the picture and tore it. Joe started to laugh as he looked at me.

Joe: cheater?...

He whispered under his breath as he walked pasted me.

Joe: your right... she didn't choose between us....because she end up marring Hrvy instead...

( Joe had the power to manipulate people under there weakness )

Payton: I didn't kill her...

I looked at my hands as they had Nicole's blood on them.

Joe: you did... opening those doors to see hrvy kissing her at there wedding... you held a gun in your hand did you not ?

I clinched my hands as I looked at Joe. He dropped the gun on the floor and slides it to me.

Joe: you shot her in the arm but you didn't get the chance to shot hrvy.... sadly..

I grabbed the gun as Joe moved next to me and whispers.

Joe: you murdered Nicole....

I dropped the gun as I blinked and I stude there in front of her body there was a gun shot through her head. The room had double doors...

Joe: I will see you at court....

He left as I heard the cops I quickly ran downstairs and grabbed my keys as I ran out the front door to my car.

I got in and turned the car on and took off. And went to my dad's mansion. Parked my car and got out and went to the front door and my father was in his office.

Father: get in here

I walked inside the office as my bad was holding a bottle of wine. I took a step back as he got up from his set.

( My father and I never got along cause I couldn't forgive him for killing my mother. And he don't forgive me cause I look like my mother.. and for that I would be beaten... )

He move to the doors as I held on to the door handle to open the door. I instantly fell on my knees he hit my back with the wine bottle. It chartered and I was bleeding from my back. The door opens and my dad grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the basement and threw me down the stairs....

( I was only 19 years old.... my life was hanging on a thread.. )

I held on....  cause u knew my mom wanted me to. I closed my eyes.....


                I'm Payton moormeier...

       And I'm 24 now... it was all 5 years ago...

My father passed away due to his health. I took the house but destroyed it... and here I am now..

I slouched in the chair as I looked at him.

Hrvy: Payton moormeier you are here and charged with attempted murder. Setting house on fire and killing over 26 people .

I smirked and I lend on the table.

Payton: no really?  Damn thought it was more then that.

I moved my hands out and started counting. Hrvy moved towards me and threw pictures on the table. I put my hands down and picked up that one picture.

Payton: such a beautiful day of you wasn't it?..

I slide the picture to hrvy as he glanced at it. He punched the table and tried to go at me but the cops held him back. I started laughing as i got up and looked at me.

Payton: your wasting my time..

I walked out and opened the door and took off. I walked down the hallway and bumped into someone. There were papers falling she grabbed the box as I started collecting the papers. I put them in the box. And I was going to grab that one paper but we accidentally touched hands.

Payton and ???: I'm sorry...

She laughed as I just looked away.

???: no it's not your fault it's mine should have watched were I was going.

I looked at her and....

( rose ?..... )


I helped her up and she grabbed the box. I looked at her hand to see she was wearing her wedding ring..

( I could never stop.... she's just everything.... )

Rose: anyways umm hopefully I see you around...

I nod as she started walking away.

Joe: beautiful isn't she?...

I looked around and saw nobody.. I walked to the doors and shrugged it off my shoulders.. I looked to find my car

Joe: love is a great feeling... but if it's to great.. the person ends up jealous or.... dead...

I stopped and looked around but there was nobody. But people walking trying to get were there needed.

                       Joe's prov

He stopped and looked around and kept walking and he got in his car and took off.

Griffin: looks like he wants what he can't have..

I looked at Griffin

Joe: nobody could ever have rose... she's full of poison..

Griffin moves to kio and they both jump off the billing. I stayed there looking through hrvys office window.

( I hide who I really am around people I hate, and people I knew... when it's her I become soft, weak.... )

I look away and look down at the billing and put one foot out and I fell off the billing...

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