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The characters attend Jewels High School in a little city called Westview. 


plays basketball and soccer

has good grades and is really smart

Is borderline popular

Can play piano, guitar, and drums

she is really fun to be around once you get to know her but she is a handful


Y/n's best friend

plays soccer

popular but the nice kind

loves to cook


Really smart

has a massive crush on the one and only Scarlett

not popular but good friends with Y/n


smart but gets confused easily

super popular

has a crush on Lizzie but only Flo and Y/n know that

plays soccer


Y/n's other bestie

dating Tom Holland

really good singer, dancer, and actor

nice popular


nerdy but also a jock

plays basketball and possibly football or soccer

whipped when it comes to Zendaya 

Y/n's best boy friend


New girl

everyone loves her

All the boys want her

the mean girls want her in their group

plays guitar, piano, and sings

smart, but gets confused easily

A/N don't want to spoil too much :) you will find more out about Hailee as the story goes on.

Hailee Steinfeld x Y/n (female reader)Where stories live. Discover now