Abnormality dancin girl

65 0 80

" from my chrysalis, I'll become a butterfly!"
Amber at her end of her mental state she has been struggling to leave this place and every single attempt has failed even when she tried to express her feelings to everyone they'd end up forgetting but now..since she will do something that WONT make something forget (Or well actually Sasha well let them keep the memory that amber will do yeah she is THAT evil kinda)
The song she will sing and dance to

(Look up the meaning of the lyrics if you don't understand it)
Her outfits will change while she is singing
There's her normal outfit
Then theirs outfit 2

(Look up the meaning of the lyrics if you don't understand it)Her outfits will change while she is singing There's her normal outfitThen theirs outfit 2

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And outfit 3

(It's most fitting for the song lol)

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(It's most fitting for the song lol)

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