I'll be with you forever (Big brother Bakugou)

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Hello people, how are you all doing?

Idea: Eri (the kid in the drawing) is sick with a fever. Both her and Katsuki have been adopted by Hawks after he rescued them from their families.

Info: Katsuki is 16 years old, Hawks or Takami Keigo is 25 years old and Eri is 7 years old. Keigo saved Katsuki when he was 19 years old and Katsuki 10, meanwhile he saved Eri when he was 24 years old and she was 6.

Characters: Katsuki Bakugou (in this oneshot Takami), Eri Takami (She doesn't have another last name so it's this one), Hawks/Keigo Takami, mentioned Aizawa Shota.

Started: 22:10 (10:10pm) of the 29th of January 2024;

Finished: 1:12 (1:12 am (as of night) of the 31st of March 2024.

Katsuki's P.O.V.:

Today feels strange. Dad (Keigo) is out working on the other side of Japan and I'm home with Eri. We're supposed to go to her friend's birthday party in a few hours, but she doesn't seem all that excited or more like she doesn't seem at all.

Usually she would have already been jumping around the house just to show how happy she is, but today there is none of that. She's still in her room and it's 10 am, I don't know what's happening. I'm getting worried now, she hasn't even come out to ask for breakfast and that's what starts her day as beautiful or horrible.

I'm gonna go check on her, I don't want to worry any longer without doing anything. The door to her room is slightly open, that means she didn't even move from when I went to check on her at 6 am this morning when I woke up. That's too strange.

She's never like this unless she's sick or she's getting flashbacks about that piece of shit that is Overhaul; I hope it's the first one at this point, i never know how to help her when she's remembering things cause it reminds me of my own issues.

"Hey, you ok? I haven't seen you once this morning." I opened the door, searching the room to find where she was. Pillows, stuffed animals, blankets? Huh? Why is all that stuff on her bed?

"Kat, I don't feel well. I tried fixing it alone, but they -she pointed to the stuffed animals- haven't helped much. Can you help? I don't want to be alone, he's here when I close my eyes."

"I'm gonna be here for as long as you need me, alright? He can't get you here, I'll keep you safe. I'm your big brother after all. And you shouldn't be dealing with being sick alone, I'm home just for you."

"Hmm. Can I watch you play? I'm not tired right now." She's literally rubbing her eyes as she's talking, but I can't treat her badly. She's suffered enough.

"Sure, can I touch you though? I'm gonna see if you're hot or not, then I'm gonna get a thermometer." I have to tell dad too, I don't know what medicine to give her if she has a fever.

"Mhm, but then you have to carry me to your room. I don't want to leave my blanket, it's too cold without it." "Okay, okay. Come near thought, I can't even see your face because of all your soft friends." I start to get even closer to her, but I didn't lie. It's even a lot that she was breathing under all that. It was a literal fort.

"HEY! Are you sure you're my sister? You're literally burning up, you're not an oven right?" "Kaaaat, you're not funny. I don't feel well. I want dad (Keigo), when is he coming back?"
"I know, I'm sorry Eri. He's coming home in a couple of days, I promise. If you want later we can call him when he's off his hero-duty, but for now we have to get moving towards the thermometer so it can tell us how high your fever is."

"Okay, but before going to bed I want to talk to dad." "Hmm sure, now do you want the normal carrying or on the shoulders?" "Normal, dad carries me like that.".

So then we go to the living room where the thermometer is and I put her down on the sofa/couch to take her temperature. It's honestly really high, god why does this have to happen right the week that dad isn't home?

Finally after some time of us talking about what she wants to do, which is watching me play and then reading some books, the thermometer finally makes some noises so I go check it. It says 38°C (Celsius; sorry I don't know how Fahrenheit work, but it's like really hot as the normal temperature is 36°.)

Okay now I surely have to tell dad, but I should probably tell her to do something else so i can explain the situation better to him. Fuck I should also make her some breakfast, but I can actually do that as I'm calling dad.

"Hey, why don't you go to the bathroom and wash your hands really quick? I'm gonna get your breakfast ready while you do that." "Okay Kat, but then we go to your room right? It's cold in here, too cold"

"Sure and before going there I'll call dad so you can talk to him a bit, alright?" "Yessss, I really miss dad, Kat. He makes sure I'm safe and warm everyday." She answers me with a smile on her face finally, I missed that smile and I thankfully know what to do to get that smile.

After that she finally goes to the bathroom and I move to the kitchen and start getting the pan heated on the stove. As I pour the pancake liquid that I made earlier I also get my phone and call Dad, putting him on speaker.

"Hey Kat, is everything okay?" Dad answers, not even leaving the time for the second ring. "Hey dad, and uh kinda not everything?  Eri is sick with a fever and I don't know what to do. She's also been getting flashbacks about that bastard and that's making me even more worried."

"Hey hey it's okay, how high is the fever? You know what to do if you get overwhelmed, and that is to get some moments to yourself. She's safe and you're safe, so don't worry about that." As I listen to him I'm also turning around the pancake (don't ask me how pancakes are actually made, I know it but I've gone down this way so it's gonna be unrealistic cooking I think? Idk but in some movies I saw them made like this.) so it doesn't get burnt or  only cooked on one side.

"Her fever is at 38°C, so really high and I don't know what to give her. She's in the bathroom right now as I'm making her breakfast, but she's really cold and has been shivering a lot even under her favourite blanket." "Okay so she's not there to listen, then just get the medicines in the higher kitchen cabinet. You need this _____ and this _____ (I don't know medicines in English so blank space it is), she's not going to want it so give it to the stuffed animals first."

"Mhm, understood, thanks dad. I love you. She's getting out of the bathroom now, can you talk to her?" "I love you too, Katsuki. Thanks for looking after her, I'm gonna transfer some money to you now so you can get some takeout this evening and then next week we're all going out to get what you two might want and/or need."


Finally she's fallen asleep, I had to put a documentary on for her to do so. She wouldn't go to sleep while I was playing or while watching cartoons.

I think she's slightly better now, but I'm not sure until someone else comes. Thankfully tomorrow Mister Aizawa is not on patrol and can take care of her for me. Today was a lot and it's only 12 AM, so I'm glad I have some time for myself.

I love my little sister so much, I'm gonna be here for every single step she takes in her life or as I told her earlier for the flashbacks:
"You don't need to worry, I'm not leaving you ever. And I mean Ever. I'll be with you forever. I'll be keeping you safe everyday."

Words: 1410


I know it seems short and it is, but I've been struggling with finding the time to write. But at least I didn't go over the 4 months for one single oneshot.

Hope you enjoyed it tho, and tell me in the comments if I got something wrong and I'll fix it.

Byeeeeeeeee people and happy Easter to whoever cares about it.

Words: 1488

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