Chapter 2 ♡

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Pov Stiles

Two months ago we beat the Nogitsune. It was also at that time that they apparently decided to kick me out of the pack. I can't believe them! They even dared to put the blame on me! I know I blame myself but that doesn't mean that I know that I couldn't really stop it either. I really tried, I really did...

I'm glad I didn't tell them my secret. I'm a wizard and only my mum, dad and now Isaac know. I'm a halblood for who is wondering by the way, not that I care either way. Because of the pack and the beginning of the wizarding war I decided to self-study with the help of professor Snape, who send me my books and notes if didn't understand something. Let me tell ya, it's wasn't easy people! I had to look after my studies from both worlds plus the drama of the pack.

But the war was over now, so I decided to leave Beacon Hills and make my way to England or more precisely Hogwarts! I'm a little bumped that I have to leave dad and Isaac, but also excited to finally leave the pack behind.

Isaac is my only friend here, we bonded over the nightmares and our trauma's. He is like a puppy, my puppy. It's like we are growing a father/son bond, witch is a little weird but I wouldn't change it for the world.

So here we are, me packing my stuff to finily leave with Isaac and dad, who are both moving to England. Dad found a job there and Isaac is going to collage there. I can't wait!

--> 283 words.

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