Chapter 10 ♡

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Pov Harry

‘Ah, there is the annoying voice that I did not miss one bit’, I thought to myself. I even saw Stiles cringe. I give him the ‘oh no’ look. Stiles gives me a reassuring smile and then we turn around to look who said it (but we could guess who it was from the tone alone). Look and behold, there stood Hermoine, Ronald and Ginerva. ALL THREE!! Just have mercy and kill me already. I truly don’t want to talk to them. I just know that the next thing that they are going to do is ignore the problem or blame me for it. Some friend they are, why did I not see this before. I really wish that I became friends with Draco. Hmmm, maybe I will do that tomorrow and introduce Stiles to him. They don’t control me anymore!

“Well? Where were you young man, what do you have to say for yourself?” I look at her like she was crazy (and she was). I groan out loud: “I met the new student and let him around. I also was with McGonagall.” That is the moment that they see Stiles. They give him a fake smile, but I see Ginerva checking him out. Gross. I hope he doesn’t fall for het fakeness. I see Stiles giving them a sarcastic smile back. I hold back my chuckle at that.

Ronald gives Stiles a sneer. “Why don’t you let your superiors talking and you go make yourself somewhere else useful.” He did not just say that. What an asshole. But the reaction from Stiles surprises me. He grins at Ronald and says with a cheeky tone: “Sure, I can do that. But I can also get aunt? You can chose?” I look to Ronald and he looks confused, typical… But Ronald always has to have the last word, so he opens his stupid mouth again: “Pff, what is your stupid aunt gonna do eh? She is not here. But don’t worry, I can give you a lesson for being mean to me.” I see Ronald grabbing his wand. I start to panic a little. But Stiles just stands there. Not doing anything.

“What in the world is going on!”, said someone behind me. I turn to look and I see McGonagall. Ah now I get why Stiles didn’t do anything, but how did he know that she was there? “P-professor, h-he uhm. He was bullying me and Harry! Right Harry, mate?” He gives me a look that says that I have to save his ass again. Well, not anymore. I look to Minerva and shake my had to show that what he said wasn’t true. “I don’t believe for a second that my nephew would do something like that. So how about I tell you mister Ronald, that I saw everything. You have a week worth of detention! Now I have an announcement to make..”

McGonagall makes the same announcement that she said to us in het office. I look at Ronald and he has a very red face and look at me with betrayal, with is very ironic. After the professor left, me and Stiles run upstairs. I show him his bed and we go to sleep.

Tomorrow is gonna be interesting.

--> 550 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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