-new friends-

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Y/n's pov:

RING! RING! RING! RING! Screams the clock. "Hmm..ugh..mm~" I groan getting out of bed and shutting up the alarm. I quickly get dressed and brush my hair, I had just washed it yesterday before the deal me and Scara made so it's all nice and silky.i put on my shoes and head into the kitchen to see Scara making breakfast. "Hey.." I say in a tired voice. He looks up from the pan to look at me. that's when I hear a "✨ring✨" go off from my phone. I take it out sitting down on the table. Oh.. hu tao texted.. "HEYYY BTW HERE'S SCARA'S PHONE NUMBER ********" huh? Oh yea I forgot I don't have his phone number. I was about to stand up to go make myself breakfast since I saw scara come out from the kitchen but the he places a plate with pancakes on it Infront of me. "Huh? I this for me?" I ask just to get a cold answer. "No Dumb ass it's for our cat." Huh? "What? We don't have a cat.." .." oh my fucking god.. are you oblivious on purpose? Yes it's for you idiot and I was being sarcastic." He says annoyed. "OH! Hahaha sorry I tend to be a little slow early in the morning.." "I can tell.." he says rolling his eyes. "Ok whatever mr.kill joy..but why'd you make breakfast for me?" I genuinely ask. He doesn't say anything for while.."just eat the fucking food or I'll stop making you food." He says coldly. Hmm ok..


Y/n's pov:

As I was talking to hu tao the teacher tells us to sit down at our seats so hu tao sits down like everyone else. I look to my side to see Scara stare out the window.. now that I realize I haven't had time to really take a look at him.. and I can't believe I'm just realizing it but he actually kinda pretty... His purple eyes shine with the sunlight and his silky looking indigo hair..I find myself staring for a little too long as the teacher announces there's another student coming.."oh? A new student..? Just like me.." I mumble to myself. A kid with white hair and a red stripe came in.. in the corner of my eye I see Scara's face light up a bit at the sight. "Hi everyone. My name's Kazuha I hope we can all get along." He's says with a smile on his face.

Time skip to lunch

Yesterday I was sitting alone for lunch till I see hu tao coming towards my way with someone else behind her. The girl behind hu Tao had blonde short hair and blue eyes. "HEYYY!!" says hu Tao "hey" I say as a response. "Ok so I'd like you to meet lumine. Lumine this is y/n, y/n this is lumine!" Oh a new friend? "Hi! I'm lumine nice to meet y/n!" Hm she seems pretty nice..plus if she's friends with hu tao then I can trust her. " Hi lumine, I'm y/n nice to me you as well, i hope we can get along." I say respectfully as I just met a new friend. "Haha no need to be all fancy you know? Hey also would you like to come and have lunch with us?" "Oh yea sure! Id love to." I say happily.

Scaramouche's pov:

"Bro what happened? How come your at our school now?" I ask my old childhood friend Kazuha. "Oh well my family was having some problems over there so we decided to move here." "Ohh alr then but you should told me first you know?" I say almost annoyed. "Haha well.. I wanted it to be a surprise!" Hm well he accomplished it well then. Oh finally there you guys are- huh wait is that..

Y/n's pov:

Huh!? Wait all of them were here?? Kazuha,Scara,Hu Tao, lumine and others i don't recognize.."hey you alr?" "Oh! Yea sorry it just cought me by surprise how everyone is s here!" ...

Scaramouche's pov:

"Hey scara do you know her?" " Huh yea? Why do you ask?" I ask Kazuha who's been talking to me. "Oh well you were just starting at her, I thought-" "HEYYYY YALL! IVE BROUGHT OUR NEW FRIEND HERE! HER NAMES Y/N!!" Kazuha gets cut off by hu tao's yelling. "Y/n?"

Y/n's pov:

Well would you look at that.. they were all here and that bitch kill joy didn't tell me shit.. "oh hi I'm y/n!" I say with a fake smile on my face. I see a boy with long blonde hair just like lumine and another boy with blue and teal hair put in 2 little braids. "Hi I'm venti" "hi I'm lumine's bother Eather!" "I'm Kazuha the new student nice to meet you y/n!" The three boys introduced themselves. "Oh hi everyone" I say when I get cut off again by hu tao- "Ok! We wanted for her to come by and eat lunch with us I hope that's alr!" Hu tao yells and venti come up to me and pushes me on one of the benches they were all sitting in. Some how I end up next to Scara. Dam how come I've been seeing him every where now..? Hm I don't know..

Scaramouche's pov:

And again y/n never seems to leave me alone. But this time she isn't smiling as much.. huh oh well, she was very tired this morning. "Hey I have an idea! Why don't we all go somewhere after school today? So we can hang out with y/n and get to know her better! Yea?" I wanted to say something now that I'm stuck listening to y/n's violin playing but I assume she would say something. "Actually yea sure, seems fun!" Huh- but we have the 30 min after school thing and she knows that damn well!

Y/n's pov:
I know I have practice with Scara after school but I honestly don't feel like doing that today with him..I thought we were friends! Why wouldn't he invite me to eat lunch with him..? Ugh whatever it's fine I should stop being sensitive! I mean I just got here yesterday soo..mm whatever! It doesn't matter anyway.. I don't know why Im so annoyed by this... "Hey! Soo where do y'all wanna go then?" Lumine says. " Well what about the arcade?" Venti suggests. "OOOOH! YEA THAT SOUNDS SO FUN! I CAN PLAY THOSE KILLING GAMES!" yells out hu tao. Ok but why is this girl so obsessed with death?? RING! the bell yells out to the students letting them know that lunch is over. "Well I'll meet you guys later!" Hm I guess I'll be going to the arcade today..

Hiiiii so I improved my word count and you could say this chapter was a bit longer than the others! But anyways hope y'all enjoy! I'll be starting school tomorrow so my schedule of posting might not be the best..😢😢 but either way I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!
Word count: 1196

The Perfect Melody~ (Scaramouche x Female Reader, Modern Au)Where stories live. Discover now