Chapter 8

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Merlin and Y/N we're sat in the barn laughing and talking about what had happened today.

"You should have seen the look on his big ugly face when bunny came running at him." Merlin laughed.

Y/N sighed "That's how you see everything, isn't it?"

Merlin looked confused "With my eyes?"

Y/N pointed out to him "You always talk about what someone looks like"

"I do?" He asked confused "I wouldn't say that." Merlin let out a dreamy sigh "But I can't wait for you to see the real me."

"What kind of Merlin is the real you?" Y/N asked him curiously.

"You might not believe it, but the real me is famous, handsome, and even popular." Merlin explained before looking down at him self as he is "Not short, stumpy and green."

"Yeah, you're short, stumpy and green, but you're also a wonderful and charming person." Y/N told him reassuringly.

Merlin shook his head "I'm not explaining it right. If you saw the real me, you'd know exactly what I mean."

"I think I can see the real you. And I like you, just as you are." Y/N admitted to him.

"That's hilarious." Merlin said sarcastically "Here, close your eyes, and imagine the real me. I guarantee you, it'll be different."

Y/N closed her eyes and Merlin changed back into his human form. "I do feel something different..." Y/N told him feeling a taller, more different presence next to her.

"Really?" Merlin asked hopefully.

"But eyes opened or closed to me you're still Merlin and so is Red Shoes " Y/N told him.

He looked at her confused "What do you mean?"

"Well her shoes are magic, and we'll they... Never mind" Curiously she asked "Now tell me, who am I to you?"

Merlin smiled lovingly at her "You're a gift. A gift that'll transform me into someone amazing. Just like you're amazing." He leant in and was going to kiss her.

Y/N opened her eyes and Merlin became a dwarf again

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Y/N opened her eyes and Merlin became a dwarf again. She smiled as he had his lips puckered but he quickly played it off by staring at the floor.

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Beautiful love ❤️ Merlin x readerWhere stories live. Discover now