The Fly Trap

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(I literally can't come up with any creative names for this chapter. No problem though it's fine. It gets the point across.)

I eventually came across the boat. Great . The two frogs were standing outside it welcoming people into the place.

Well you had to pay the get in. No problem I can just make money whenever I want. It's a great way to tempt these sinners honestly.

That and sometimes it works. With these two it almost always works.  Money with them is the most easy thing to bribe them with.

Of course I'll ask them about, working for me . But I really don't care for them to work for me. All they would do is just start fighting so there's not much point to it.

I just walked over to them . I mean honestly I can get in easy.

"Hello. You two staying out of trouble?" Now of course I know fine well of there record. Fighting all the time causing fire. Oh yes no matter how they try it keeps happening. I know fine well how it is going to be eventually.

"Well of course we are. Now what can we do you for Mr Devil."

"I'll give him a fight."

"Now now there's no need to be like that. Prohaps he wants something. So as I was saying what can I take you for."

"Well firstly I'd like in. Second I have to ask I'm under a little bit of a list you see. Now would you work for me."

"I'll tell you what I think about working for you with my fists. "

"Now now Croaks we shouldn't do that. We are trying to be respectable types now. It's 25 bucks to get in."

See look progress. Now not only do I have a normal conversation. I can get into  the boat. I still hate boats. I haven't been on one without Henchman before.

I better not start feeling sick. Well I made about 100 bucks appear. Look that way I can get on with doing whatever I want and they wouldn't say a darn thing. It's called bribes.

I then handed it to Croaks. "There I believe that should do it. Just keep the change. I don't care. Money has little meaning to me. So now am I allowed on. "

"Of course Mr Devil right this way we will show you to your seat."

I followed him to a table which was quite a bit away from most people in a sort of quieter but not entirely silent place.

There was also quite a few people around the place but not where I was. I mean perfect a nice bit of well deserved silence.

I sat down at the table.

"Well can I offer you any wine or anything else, on the menu completely free of course. "

"Wine would be wonderful thank you. " Well as much as I would bother to browse through it. Who could pass up an offer for free wine. Well I would have maybe bothered to look through it.

"I'll bring that too you." I watched them walk away. It wasn't long until I was in my own thoughts again.

I might if I start to feel sick again. Honestly me not liking the water. No I don't. Actually I feel maybe like I should have brought Henchman with me. At least then I wouldn't be sitting here. On my own.  Actually it sounds strange me the Devil hating being alone. But I never am there's always someone around. This time there isn't.

The last person on my list is Hilda then what. Thing is I know exactly what I need to do. I really should just talk to Dice. Then what I'm just going to make everything worse for myself.

I said I'd get it done in one more day. What are the chances she is sitting in here. But not just that what is even the point.

I looked around at the people. In the place they sort of just kept glancing at me. Then at some of the tables over by me. I also think I spotted Hilda.

Here's a new thing. Oh no the devil gave up. Ugh yes I just can't be bothered. The only person I really want working for me. Is Dice but I feel so stupid thinking about it.

Let alone the fact that they are both right. I hate to admit it. I have admitted it before. I do think somehow I've just gone into a complete waste of time ,and that my heart is the only thing I should be following. Not some stupid list.

But no we had to go the hard way with everything.

"Here's your wine mr Devil."  I'd sort of heard what they had said to me. I wasn't really paying much attention to anything really.

"Oh yeah thanks." I sort of just said that one without thinking. Let alone the fact that I'd started yo forget where I was or what I was doing.

I just knew that finish list. That was important oh and um what was the last one. I don't even know.

I think I might have just been drinking the wine at this point. Because a lot of my thoughts are becoming sort of jumbled.

Oh right that was it Dice. Yes I just have to find him. Umm and do what. Oh Dice. I just have to talk to you. In private why won't you. Hmm it's so nice to. Do so. No no no . Why did it end up becoming like that in my head.

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