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"You convinced her mom to let her go, all you have to do now is convince her to be your girlfriend," Beyonce said, handing Kelly her suitcase.

"Yes, I know this already, it's not like you have told me this fifty-five times by now," Kelly grumbled, tossing her bag in the back of the trunk.

"No need for the attitude, I'm just reminding you. I don't want you to forget anything we went over. You can't ruin this, we've already worked so hard. Besides, we'll all kill you if you mess this shit up."

Kelly rolled her eyes and slammed the truck door closed. She ignored the glare Beyonce gave her and hopped in the car. Beyonce followed Kelly into the car, hitting her lightly before buckling her seatbelt. Kelly buckled her seatbelt as well; she knew Mama Tina wouldn't start the car unless both the girls had their seatbelts on. When Tina saw that both of her girls had their seatbelts on she started the car and drove off.

Today was finally Friday, the day Kelly had been waiting for all week. The trip starts today and Kelly couldn't have been happier. She was finally free from all the nagging she had been receiving from her friends the entire week. The relentless pestering about Kelly confronting her feelings for Michelle was driving her insane; it almost made her confess her feelings just to get them to shut up, which she figured was their plan, to begin with.

Despite all the annoyance, Kelly was happy about the trip. She was looking forward to spending the weekend with Michelle at a ski resort. Kelly knew that Michelle wasn't very adventurous nor did she like the cold; she just hoped that nothing would ruin their fun, not even her fears, and feelings.

Kelly tried not to worry about all the bad things that could happen on the trip. She couldn't do that, she had to think about the positives. More importantly, she had to focus on Michelle. Not only did she want to make sure she ended the trip with Michelle as her girlfriend, but she also wanted to make sure that Michelle had fun.

It took twenty minutes for the car to pull up in front of the school, a twenty-minute drive filled with Kelly being bombarded with relationship advice for a relationship that she didn't even have yet. For the first time in a while, Kelly was glad to get to school. She practically jumped out of the car when it stopped just to escape Beyonce, which didn't even work because Beyonce followed right after her.

Beyonce and Kelly grabbed their bags from the trunk, said goodbye to Tina, and entered the school. While walking to the auditorium where everyone was Beyonce texted the group chat to make sure everyone was there, mostly everyone replied with their whereabouts. Lauren and Lizzo were already there, unlike Megan who was running late. The only person who didn't reply was Michelle, which worried Kelly.

Kelly knew Michelle's mother; she already knew that the woman would do anything to keep the girl safe, including keeping her trapped inside the house for the rest of her life. Yes, Kelly had talked to the woman regarding Michelle's attendance on the trip. Thankfully she had gotten the woman to agree on letting her go; however, that was a week ago she didn't take into account that the woman would change her mind.

"She's not coming, is she?" Kelly asked, causing Beyonce to roll her eyes.

"Do I need to slap you right now? I will do it, I'll do it willingly too," Beyonce replied.

"Beyonce, you don't understand. She is never late for anything. Why isn't she here yet? Is she not coming? What if she's not coming?!" Kelly said, beginning to panic.

"Girl, if you don't calm the hell down," Beyonce said, smacking Kelly's arm. "Come on, you need to be positive, she's probably just a little late. We have thirty minutes before the bus leaves so give the girl some time, please."

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