⚔️⚰️ Zoro x Y/N x Mihawk⚰️⚔️ !Lemon🍋!

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Y/N in this One shot will be a female swordsman! Taking place in mihawks island during the 2 year skip


It's been hell if that's the word to use for the training Mihawk put on me and Zoro.. I had to admit they both are hot as fuck but I didn't wanna straight up say it to them.. that would just make me flustered than my tuff acting self like zoro used to be.. it's been a month but it feels like a year from the training..

I was currently leaning against the wall of the outside while Zoro and Mihawk were sparring as a training spar lesson.. I had to admit the now one eyed Zoro was ripped as hell like Mihawk but I don't wanna start getting all giddy.. I start falling asleep as I hear them starting to discuss something but I just dozed off from boredom..

3rd POV

Mihawk's gaze looks over to see Y/N was asleep against the wall before looking back to Zoro.. "Zoro." Zoro raises an eyebrow to Mihawk "what is it hawk-eye.." Mihawk sheaths yor and looks serious to Zoro.. "how do you feel about Y/N.." "hm?.. oh well.." zoro blushes slightly making Mihawk smirk slightly knowing he had butterflies like he surprisingly had when around the red haired..

Y/N was shanks younger sister 3 years apart from shanks.. Mihawk first met her when Zoro first faced him and Y/N being on the sidelines.. he smirks to the memory of her stare as they battled out.. "what about Y/N though.." "I think we have the same idea why Zoro." Zoro blushes wide eyed.. Mihawk liking her too!?.. "wait-t..you like her too?!" "Well she's unique..and I purpose we share.." "share..? Pfft please like that'll last.." mihawk's gaze looks to Zoro "indulge me then Zoro. Why it wouldn't last." Zoro was gonna open his mouth but made himself shut up since he wasn't wrong..

"Fine I guess it would last.." he grumbles before they both look at the asleep Y/N.. the outfit she had was a white ruffled blouse and brown pants with combat black boots.. and of course her famous blade sheathed on her left hip tied to her belt.. everything about her is what every man dreamed of ranking 2nd possibly below Hancock.. her breasts and ass we're just perfect.. the curves and body were just something Zoro couldn't help but dream of and Mihawk..

They look to eachother with a knowing gaze knowing this day wasn't just gonna be just training.. "so how are we gonna do this.." Mihawk rolls his eyes "wait in the bedroom of mine and I'll bring her there.." "that's a little suspicious don't ya think for her.. besides she's smarter than most of the crew.." Mihawk thinks before sighing "well there's one more" Zoro raises an eyebrow before Mihawk started explaining..as he did Zoro started grinning..

Timeskip and Y/N's POV

It was now late as I search around the castle like home of Mihawk searching for him and Zoro.. I groan in frustration "come on this isn't funny!.." I look around before I slap myself inside.. a note being on the dining table.. I grab the note and blush slightly

Meet me upstairs in my bedroom.

-D. Mihawk

I put the note aside and head to mihawk's room as my butterfly's in my stomach increased.. I knock on the door but hear nobody inside?.. I open the door after knocking one more time.. I go inside before the door shuts and I hear it lock making myself flinch "the hell-" I yelp being pinned against the wall and blush red faced meeting a gaze with the hawk eyed man.. my eyes widen seeing the one eyed moss head too.. "what's going on-n-" "you think we're that stupid Y/N." I grew flustered to Mihawk's tone..

His gaze looked hungry.. and predatory.. so did Zoro's.. Zoro walks closer and whispers in my ear "we see the way you look at us damn it.." I get wide eyed before I hear chuckling and bit my lip feeling Zoro had bit my ear lobe.. "I won't be able to control myself after this Y/N..nether will Zoro.." I felt my breathing get heavy.. they noticed and smirk to eachother..

Mihawk goes in and kisses me making myself wide eyed before relaxing and kiss back.. I started to feel his hands pull me closer and my arms around his neck.. I felt his tongue lick my bottom lip for permission but being related to shanks I denied teasingly making him growl in response.. Zoro kisses my neck making myself shudder gasping.. Mihawk then enters my mouth and battled against my tongue..

3rd POV

Mihawk felt himself grew harder as he battled her tongue with his.. he moves on of his hands and lightly grip her left breast making her moan and give into his dominance.. Mihawk explores her mouth and grunts as occasionally she sucked on his tongue.. Zoro kept kissing her neck until she moans after pulling away from Mihawk making zoro grin..

Zoro attacks her neck spot with bites and kisses making her moan a little more.. Zoro was growing impatient though he needed her and he knew Mihawk did too.. Zoro pulls away growling "this is taking too damn long" "Well since it's your first one Zoro we can rush things." Y/N's eyes widen seeing them smirk to her..

Mihawk starts unbuttoning her ruffled white blouse and her bra before cupping one of her breasts "beg us." "No-o" Zoro licks Y/N's neck making her moan "come on Y/N you need us~" he teased grinning.. Mihawk after untying the blade of hers with the sheath tosses it to Zoro and Zoro putting it aside with their own blades..

"Must you be disrespectful after we show you affection?." Mihawk growls making Y/N bite her lip "guess we'll have to make her beg then~" Zoro grins as Mihawk tosses her onto the bed and immediately pinning her to the bed with her wrists above her head by one of mihawk's hands.. Mihawk tosses his hat aside followed with his cape like shirt.. Zoro during this climbed onto the bed and now had Y/N's head in his lap as he grins down to her..

Mihawk then pulls Zoro into a deep kiss making both him and Y/N wide eyed.. Zoro was gonna resist but his eyes close relaxing and kiss back.. soon it went into a full on tongue make out session making her wet.. she starts whining making Mihawk pull away smirking "beg." "Please-e~.." zoro tugs her hair "please what.~" "Please ruin me-e until I can't walk-k~" Mihawk then unbuckles her pants after tossing her boots aside and tugs them off with her panties.. "your practically begging us already." He growled to Y/N..

Y/N moans after Zoro leans down and starts making out with her once his tongue enters her mouth.. "mm-m~" Zoro pulls away and undressed himself tossing his clothes away to be found later.. Mihawk groans as Y/N grinds against his crotch area "impatient are we now?." Mihawk unbuckles his pants and tossing them aside with his trousers making Y/N blush at his length following with Zoro's.. they were big.. she bit her lip questioning if they could fit in her but Mihawk ruins her thoughts as he pushed two fingers in making her moan

"Mihawk-k~" Mihawk as he pushes another in while his fingers pump her smirks.. all three felt as the room just got very hot as they're gutter thoughts made them more lustful.. Zoro meanwhile kisses and bites her neck and shoulders.. "fuck-k!~" Zoro chuckles lowly "weak." Mihawk pulls his fingers out and licks them clean making her shudder..

"Mm..exquisite taste I must say mi amor~" she grew flustered before being flipped onto her stomach "you better be ready cause this will be like your training~" she grew red faced in fear and excitement.. Mihawk was the first to enter making her whine in pain into the pillow her face was in.. "fuck your so tight.." Mihawk moaned.. Zoro then when next to Mihawk enters next making Y/N cry out

Once she calms down they start their movements.. Y/N moans loudly into the pillow a little as they increase their pace.. "fuck your so tight and wet Y/N!" Zoro grunts as sweat formed on his skin with mihawks.. Y/N's tongue lolls out with her eyes in the back of her head practically as her vision started seeing stars and couldn't speak only releasing moans in response..

Y/N felt her knot break releasing herself on them as they kept going.. she kept releasing after her knot broke until Zoro moaned "I'm gonna-a cum soon..~" Mihawk grunts as a response agreeing with the moss haired before they grunt releasing into her having no time to pull out.. Y/N's eyes were barley open as both men pant.. "fuck sake your amazing Y/N.." zoro panted with deep breaths.. she only moans to their cocks being adjusted in her.. "maybe this will be everyday for you both then." Mihawk growled making her blush "eh- ah-h~" Mihawk only chuckles to Y/N as she practically was ruined by both of them.. and she knew this wouldn't be the last..


Y/N wakes up groggily to being in both men's grasp between them both while still nude.. her eyes look to see it was now morning.. she buries her face in zoro's chest as he chuckled in his morning tone of voice after waking up.. his eye slightly opens "legs numb?.." she nods with a groan.. he chuckles once more nuzzling into her hair.. "we love you Y/N.." "I..love you both too-o.."

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