❤️⚔️ Zoro x Y/N x Luffy⚔️❤️

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Y/N in this one shot will be a kitsune !


I pant after running for so long from the marines that were chasing after me and the rest of my clan.. they were sent because a noble turns out was around and a drunk kitsune male went berserk on him causing an admiral to be called immediately.. us kitsunes usually are peaceful and only resort to violence when we have no choice.. but also we have to control our abilities.. we each have our own but I have yet to learn mine unfortunately..

I flinch hearing a marine's shout nearby and run off with my nine tails almost dragging on the pavement if not for how fast us kitsunes are.. or well me.. I gasped in horror seeing everyone was bloody and limp.. even the children.. I tear up as I kept going with my ears flattening.. if that idiot didn't punch him we would've been safe..

3rd POV

Luffy and zoro were walking around the island that had a forest not so far from themselves before Luffy tilts his head "Hey..who's that?" Zoro raises an eyebrow looking over and his eye widening to see a female running out with tears and inhuman looking ears and tails on herself.. Luffy gets star eyes and grins "woahh she's so pretty!!" Zoro though had a hand on his wano having a feeling that she had a reason to run.. "please-e run!-! They killed everyone-e!.." Y/N cried as she trips infront of them Luffy's face gets serious after hearing her words.. "who did.." "marines-s!.. a noble celestial dragon was here and was punched in my village-e!.. he sent a admiral with marines-s!.." she cried before flinching to his hand now on her shoulder.. "don't worry..they won't harm you anymore" Luffy grins before looking straight at the trees with zoro .. "Oi..zoro.." "hm?"

Luffy grins to zoro "let's kick their ass." Zoro grins to the captain getting his three blades out leaving his wano in and getting the third into his mouth "rugher!" (Rodger!) Zoro gets into his stance while the kitsune was wide eyed at them.. "why-y..why are you helping-g!?.." the girl tears up shaking "please-e run a-" She widens her eyes to see the strawhat of the male on her head making her ears stuck low.. "hold onto this for me..it's important" Luffy looks over grinning "besides!..I've been itching for a fight!" He chuckles while the kitsune was silent.. she felt herself tremble.. fear?.. no.. she found herself starting to admire these two.. "plus! I want you on my crew! You look so cool!" Her eyes widen to his exclaim.. "crew-w.." "Yeah! I wanna become king of pirates!!"

Y/N reflects on herself as the marines stormed through casing the battle to begin between the two pirates and marines.. ever since she was a child or kit the kitsunes pitted her for not having a power like they did.. most children would bully or make fun of her ..to the point where she was questioning why she was even there when she was clearly a burden and embarrassment to their kind.. Y/N when watching the males fight felt a fire light inside herself.. her pupils became slits as she got up in her dirty kimono.. once up she rushes at a marine with her sharp clawed nails out slicing the marines neck open causing him to scream.. Luffy looks over and grins with Zoro

She looks over with tears in her eyes at the marines growling "how dare you!!..over a punch!? A punch ending with everyone of my village to be dead!?!" Luffy huffs hearing this was over a simple punch.. he punched a celestial dragon before and had the same thing happen with him but it didn't kill anyone.. but this time it was the kitsune's whole village that got killed and was the only survivor from where she's getting at.. Zoro narrows his eye to the marines in disgust.. "they caused their own actions to get justice had they not?" The admiral says walking up from the woods.. "The children didn't deserve to die!! Nobody did!!" Luffy and zoro grip their fists/ blades harder..

"Just stop whining and accept your fate mutt" The admiral spatted.. he was getting annoyed already with the kitsune.. but Luffy grits his teeth.. it brought memories of back at water 7.. it was like how robin described of a buster call.. it made Luffy pissed.. over a punch!?.. and causing what seems like a buster call than just sending one admiral like they did with his crew and laws.. "No! I'm done running!! You'll pay for killing everyone!! They didn't do anything but that one!! He was drunk and yet you decide to kill everyone instead of just dealing with him!?! What kind of justice are you marines!?" Y/N yelled

"That's enough! Now surrender beast!!" Y/N runs at the admiral with a war cry but the admiral punches her down once she was close enough by a few inches forcing her to hit the ground head first.. the admiral stomps his foot on her leg causing her to cry out in pain "you leave us no choice then monster." He raises his blade from after unsheathing it above her head striking it down to her neck but three blades stop his.. "ha?!" Zoro growled with his third blade in his mouth and practically was biting down onto it "that's Zoro-o! The swordsman on the strawhats!-!" A marine shrieks but the admiral narrows his eyes "this doesn't involve you."

Luffy walks up with his eyes shadowed over.. Y/N cries out in pain as her leg was pushed on harder until a audible crack was heard before she screams.. "get off my nakimé!!!" Luffy yelled punching the admiral off into the marine cluster.. Y/N hiccups in pain with tears as Luffy picks up his hat placing it back on his head.. he looks to Zoro nodding making Zoro grin sinisterly.. as he rushes forward Luffy crouches down to her as she weakly looks up to him.. "don't worry! Your gonna be just right after we get to the ship! Chopper will fix you all up!"


I tear up more to the strawhat.. "why-y do you want me-e to join your crew-w..I'm nothing-g but dead weight.." He pets my head making myself blush but I close my eyes feeling my tails wag.. "shishishi you have so many tails!" "I know I'm a freak.." "no" I look up in surprise.. "eh?.." "I think your so cool! And pretty! I bet your more pretty once all this dirt and blood is off you!" He grins.. I get red faced as my tails wag faster "you think I'm pretty-y?.." he nods with a smile.. my eye widens to his smile.. it brought memories back to me when I was just a kit.. "hey! Why are you crying-g?!" He asks worried.. I was crying?.. I saw tears dropping from my face into the pavement.. "I..I don't know.." he frowns but his smile comes back "I'm Monkey D Luffy! And I'm gonna be the king of pirates!.. will you be on my crew?".. he wants.. me?.. "please! Your really cool!! Plus Ussop said you can do all sorts of stuff!" "I'm..weak-k though and I haven't got my power yet-t.." "who cares! Power or not you can achieve your dream!" I look at him in awe.. I look to see Zoro?.. I think that's his name had already cleared out most of the marines besides the admiral..

"Zoro's very strong!.. he wants to beat hawk-eye to be the greatest swordsman!" "Hawk..eye?.." "Yeah! He has a huge sword and yellow eyes!" My eyes widen "Mihawk-k!?.." "Yeah him!" "But he's so powerful-l! His haki-i is very dangerous-s!!" "So? That's the fun of it! The adventure is all that counts for us!" I couldn't help but wonder.. what..is my dream?.. but my thoughts were interrupted by the strawhat male rushing off and finishing off the admiral with Zoro making myself wide eyed.. "shishishi! See your free now! No more danger!" He said smiling to me.. but I could only shed tears.. my family-y.. my village-e.. and now I'm saved by pirates-s.. and wanted to be on their crew-w.. zoro picks me up bridal after putting his blades away and smirks "your right Luffy.. she's eye catching" Luffy laughs "see! I told you! Come on let's get her to the ship!" "Luffy-y..zoro.." they look to me as they walked..

"Thank-k..thank you-u.." I hiccuped.. Luffy grins a smile while Zoro smirks "so you joining us!?" I whimpered burying my face into zoro's chest causing him to chuckle "Luffy." My ears twitch before looking back.. "i..i" Luffy raises an eyebrow with Zoro "I..I wanna become the most powerful kitsune-e!..and remind the world of my kind for who they slayed!!" Luffy's smile widens laughing "welcome aboard.. uh.." "Y/N" "Yeah! Welcome aboard Y/N!" I blushed to him making him and zoro laugh as I saw the ship come into view..

I promise.. I'll remind those marines who wronged us.. and become who the village needed.. I'll be your successor everyone!!..


Thank you for the request PunikaKhomonnaknet

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