Chapter 10

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No One's Perspective




Y/n took a deep breath, he sat stiffly on his couch as his excitement ran wild, and his body shivered. Kai'sa, Ahri, Akali, and Evelynn were all in his home, sitting on his couch, prepared to take him on as their bodyguard.

Evelynn: "Let us begin the interview, shall we?~"

Y/n turns to Kai'sa, Ahri, and Evelynn trying his best to project confidence. 

Evelynn clears her throat and rests her hands on the couch.

Evelynn: "Of all people, why should we accept you as our bodyguard?"

He pulls out his notepad.

Y/n: I understand that you might be hesitant to accept me as your new bodyguard, but I assure you, I am more than qualified for the job.

Kai'sa raises an eyebrow skeptically. 

Kai'sa: "And what makes you say that?"

Y/n takes a moment to collect his thoughts. His eyebrows seem to furrow as he does so. Finally, he picks up his pen and writes down his response.

Y/n: Well, for starters, I am very athletic, and contrary to my size I can move hastily to block anything or anyone you can come into contact with. Not to mention all the people I'm employed under leave me stellar references and reviews.

Ahri nods thoughtfully. 

Ahri: "That's all well and good, but being a bodyguard for K/DA requires a unique set of skills. We need someone with eagle eyes, able to spot and predict anyone or anything after us while both being able to identify the path of least resistance and quick neutralization."

Ahri was the group's leader for a reason, a recommendation from both Akali and Evelynn wouldn't be enough, at least not until she got a good analysis of her own.

Y/n smiles nervously, before scribbling down on his notepad.

Y/n: I work and have worked for bars as an indoor and outdoor bouncer. I can deal with the most belligerent of people with ease. If you think your fans are rabid, try holding back a woman on her fifth drink screaming about her boyfriend cheating on her.

The idols spend a moment reading the lengthy response before nodding. Evelynn in particular leans over and places a hand on Y/n's arm. 

Evelynn "Truth be told, I already know you're the right person for the job," 

She purrs, sending a shiver down his spine. 

She leans in closer, whispering in his ear.

Evelynn: "All you have to do is convince the other two~"

Evelynn returns to her original position, hands once again resting on the couch and a faint smile on her face as the slightly flustered boy took her advice.

Ahri taps her manicured nails rhythmically against the leather couch she sat on.

Ahri: "You make a valid argument..."

Akali seemed to light up as Ahri finally seemed to show signs of giving in.

Ahri sighs, her body seemingly wanting nothing but to get this over with.

Ahri: "I might consider you for this position if you can answer me one question."

Y/n's eyes light up for a moment, his chance to be a bodyguard for the idols he admired so greatly was upon him.

I-I'm not scary (K/DA x Shy Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now