💖 Jealousy Of Poison, Due To Competition For His Sweet!~

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Jealousy Of Poison, Due To Competition For His Sweet ☕️🍦🍫🍯!~

"The nerve of this guy...what makes him think he can get that close to the first watcher just like that?!!"

After a new guard was hired in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, Affogato was spiteful and concerned by how close he was getting to his crush, Caramel Arrow.

Yes at first they were sworn enemies, and he started the fire...but was surprisingly the first to tame it down when realizing how wrong he really was...Taking out your envy on someone who really wanted no harm done was not the best decision.

The royal advisor didn't like to admit when he was wrong but seeing her upset and crying made him feel...guilty...regretful...and selfish for taking away what she was passionate about.

And slowly, the two became good friends after many apology attempts. Caramel was stubborn, not believing his words at first. But he wouldn't give up, and she finally gave in and accepted.

They've been very good friends for months, but Affogato realized down the line... that he wanted more and fell in love with her.

His thoughts on her changed from incompetent, non-deserving of the first-watcher position, and self-centered to skilled, deserving of her role, and was kind to others around her.

Putting them first over herself...Caramel's generosity and caring nature was special, all the watchers and practically everyone else loved her company. The royal advisor was stuck in his negative thoughts back then, not realizing how much of an amazing cookie she was. 

She was his first friend he ever had, the first person who would listen and be there for him...it melted his heart. He wanted her to know how special she was, especially to him...but deep down..he was nervous. Very nervous of rejection.

Thinking about them being official..hurt him...Affogato couldn't really sleep much due to having thoughts of Caramel going out with this guard. He didn't know if he was overthinking or going crazy but...there was no way this little runt of a guard would get her first.

Moon Pie Cookie was his name, darker skin complexion with split hair representing white and chocolate frosting, had a plump body type, and lilac purple eyes. His personality was odd to say the least.

He was very upbeat with a smile on his face, and tended to be very touchy, well with the first watcher it seemed. Also the cookie acted childish at times even though he was an adult, though most others in the citadel didn't mind.

And that brings us back to the beginning, where Affogato got pissed...and it was due to seeing Moon hugging her in the hall. He scowled, his glare becoming darker and angrier the longer he watched.

"Oh my witches, it's a honor to meet the first-watcher!! My apologies if you're uncomfortable with this! I'm just so pleased to meet you!" 

"Pleased to meet you as well, and it's alright! I'm flattered."

The plastic coffee cup was being squeezed tightly in his right hand, so much so the warm coffee leaked out on his robes. He didn't notice it until looking at the crushed cup and looking down.

"Just marvelous...things just had to get even worse."

What the advisor didn't notice is that the two were coming this way, due to being caught up seeing the two together like that.

"Hey Affogato, have you met Moon Pie yet? Um erm-"

Caramel looked at the destroyed cup and then his robes, wondering what happened.

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