💖 Flirting War?~ But...Who Won Exactly?~

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Flirting War?~ But...Who Won Exactly ☕️🍦🍫🍯?~

"How about we make a bet, my dear? Winner gets one request."

Caramel and Affogato were able to spend some time together due to getting the day off. The king decided to spend the day with his close friends and thought they could use a break as well.

The royal advisor ended up in the other cookies room due to telling her the news and when he asked if he could stay...she agreed.

But now he decided to stir the pot, and desired one thing...and to get it, he proposed a deal.

Caramel had a feeling something was up but...was curious to what his plans were.

"In order to agree, I must know what it is."

Oh he couldn't help but smirk and chuckle, a easy win at his fingertips.

"Well...its a game of showing interest, and if the other individual is too flustered to speak...they lose and will comply to the winners desire~"

"S-Showing interest?..."

After processing her thoughts, she realized he meant flirting...but why would he want to propose this bet? Was he actually interested romantically in her? Or was this all some joke?

She denied his offer at first, wondering what he would say.

"If you deny that means I automatically win due to forfeit, so think again."

"That's not fair!"

Using his hand, the royal advisor pulled her face closer to his own. Eyes with a white scelera and brown pupils gazing mischievously down at her. 

"Oh darling, life isn't fair, its my bet so I make the rules~"

Caramel blushed by the sudden action taken and thought about if she should do this. If not it was an automatic loss but if she managed to win...that meant embarrassing him and perhaps seeing a more vulnerable side underneath that prideful smile.

She needed that win...

"Alright fine...it's a deal."

"Daring I see, since this has been agreed upon...you can't turn back. I'll go first to start us off."

Affogato went behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, flustering the first-watcher. His face now close to the side of hers, now whispering in a flirtatious tone...

"Awww so tense already? How weak but...adorable~"

She slightly scowled at his comment and pulled his arms off of her, then spun him around, pinning him to the wall. 

The advisors eyes widened by the sudden action as the jam rushed up to his face. She couldn't help but let out a laugh, due to how full of himself he really was.

"You think I'm weak...look at yourself now pretty boy~ Flustered, and under my grasp in a matter of seconds!"

Ugh his thoughts were all rattled due to this...her pleasant sweet scent, deep brown eyes, and adorable smile weren't helping his case.

He wouldn't let her have the victory just like that. No matter how weak she could make him feel...

"Pretty boy...I'm quite flattered!~ Way better than being called a snake or worm. And that means..."

Now he spun her around, Caramel was now pinned to the wall while Affogato was facing her, smirking at the flustered look on her face as he leaned in closer.

"You find me attractive~" 

The first-watcher blushed even more as her heart raced and at this point...didn't really pay attention to what she was saying as her eyes met his.

Affogato x Caramel Arrow Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now