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I'd like to believe none of that crap about your soul mate having the same birth mark as you or having the first thing they say to you in bedded as a tattoo. I believe that soulmates hearts beat in sync. Some people's might be close, that's platonic. You could have a million platonic soulmates, but only one soul mate. Some people never even meet their soulmates. They could live a whole lifetime without their soul mate. Or they could live five short minutes with their soul mate. Some people even do meet their soulmates, but they'll never actually believe it. They'll say 'hi' to them in a super market and never think about it again. Or they'll brush hands and both of their hearts will speed up. And if you think that if one dies both their hearts stop. You're wrong. The livings heart just becomes dull, merely a soft patter, and nobody will ever notice not even the dead.

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