2413: The Punished

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Depressing weeks had passed by, everything was okay again, or that's what your friends in school thought.

You ate in silence with your family. Usually, they'd be asking how was school or how was your day, but there was nothing. The atmosphere was heavy, ever since you were caught with him.

"Keith will be coming home tomorrow." Your mom tried to lighten the mood. Keith? Coming home? He hardly ever did and you'd always be happy with this kind of news. It wasn't working this time though, you were too depressed. "He'll be staying for a week."

"That troublemaker will make the electricity bill shooting up again, he'll be playing all week in the PS3." Your dad chuckled, making you tense.

Your mom shot your him a look, knowing that the gadget he mentioned was tough subject for you. You tried to stop the tears that will start to leak from your eyes, thankfully it did.

"I'm finished." You announced quietly. "I'll be up in my room."

You left the dining room and went to your room. Everything changed after that day. You couldn't look at your phone without a few tears slipping. You couldn't eat a Snickers bar with out snapping it in two and saving the other half for no one. You couldn't look at your friend, Logan, without glaring at him. You couldn't even play 20 questions. You'd just remember every memory you had with him.

"You could've fucking teleported out." You cried. "Why did you have to leave me?"

After crying, your stomach grumbled. The pain of not eating that much was showing.

Finally after resisting, you went down to the kitchen, not being able to win against the pain. That's when you heard your dad talking to someone.

"Just because he's got a rich family doesn't mean he could get away from the law." He growled at the speaker on the other side.

It was quiet so you could hear every single thing the other guy was saying. "His father threatened to shut down the station."

"Nonetheless, we are doing the right thing."

"The man said he'd be the one to discipline his son, not us."

"Well, he is not disciplining him well enough. He'll shape up once he stays in prison for years after what he has done."

The other guy didn't reply. "Hello?"

Your dad asked.

"Sorry but the boss is already involved, Y/L/N." The guy told him, sighing. "The boss approved, he's already bailed. 2413 is a free man again."



I never really thought it would reach this high

but anyway, i'm not sure when i'll be able to post the first chapter of 2413: The Punished (what a way to repay u guys //smacked)

i'll make sure i'll finish it as early as possible :D


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