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"morning! i've made you tea," louise exclaimed happily the next morning, pointing onto the cup on the counter, when kit enters the kitchen. not the kind of reaction he expected.


"i'm going out with a friend in a second, so you'll be on your own, i hope that's fine," she spoke while throwing stuff into her purse.

"mhm, yea of course."

he stood in silence after she left the apartment before he took a shower to clear his head.
it didn't bring clearance though. he didn't understood what happened.
he expected her to be hella mad or that she'd ignore him or that she'd throw him out, but he didn't expect whatever reaction that was.

after another hour he heard a knock on the door, and went almost automatically to get it.
when he opened the door a boy his age stood in front of him, glasses sitting on his nose and dark blonde hair pieces falling into his face.

"who are you?" he asked, a confused look on his face.
"i'm kit. who are you?"


"hi! it's so good to see you again!" louise said happily, as red curls drowned her face.
when her opponent freed her from the hug she adjusted her glasses quickly.

"don't worry, darling, you look perfect," louise complimented her when she let her purse fall next to the tiny couch she sat on.

"duh. but right now, ugh, so stop saying that," she dreaded, while falling next to louise, throwing her legs over lou's.
"but why, when it's so true, chappell?"

to overcome her flushed cheeks the redhead quickly changed the subject.
"what did you have in mind for this one?"

"i have it already published it, but i would like for you to take a few parts over and maybe add some."

"lovely. can you play it for me?"

"say less."

louise got up to grab the guitar near her, and started to play her draft of 'love is embarrassing'.

"it's phenomenal, i love it," chappell said, when louise finished.
when dan arrived they quickly went to recording the parts and cutting them together.

around 4 hours later the trio stood in the middle of the room while the finished version of 'love is embarrassing' was playing.

when the bridge hit chappell grabbed louise by her hands and spun with her like little children would, while singing along.

"you guys, i love this song so much. i wanna publish it as soon as possible," louise said, a little out of breath, after the song has finished.

"imma do a graphic and then we'll publish it tonight," dan said, enthusiastically sprinting over to his desktop.

chappell and louise kept joking around and catching up until dan was finished and called them over.

"oh my, dan, you're a mastermind, let's publish it tonight," louise spoke, excitedly.

"alright, i'll set it up."

from: Kit
please come back
    send 2 hours ago

"guys, i think i might have to head back, thank you so incredibly much for today," louise explained, before hugging the two and leaving the studios.

she quickly made her way back through the crowded streets to her apartment, almost running up the stairs leading to her home.

"i'm back, sorry i'm late what's your emergen- alex. hi," a suprised look crossed her face when she saw her boyfriend sitting next to kit on her couch, looking like best mates.

"hey, love. i'm sorry how things went, i didn't want to pressure you to say it back immediately, so i thought i see you," alex said, standing up and approaching her.

"it's okay," she answered, before he kissed her softly while placing his hands on her waist.

a pang of jealousy shot through kit's chest. he found alex was a nice guy, but seeing him kiss the lips he kissed only a few hours ago, made him want to kick him in the face. he tried to shut down his look, away from them, but it seemed to be captivating to watch this guy kiss the girl of his dreams.

when they pulled apart louise turned back to also face kit, and spoke: "what i originally wanted to tell is that my new song is dropping tonight. it's a new version of 'love is embarrassing'. we finished today, and chappell is featuring on it as well."

"that's so great, i'm so proud of you," alex pecked her cheek once again.

kit got up as well, giving louise a quick congratulating hug, before she excused herself for bed.

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