Chapter-2 A new friend?

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Y/N pov:

It's finally the day I'm going to Seoul, South Korea for my higher studies!!!! Right now, I'm at the airport with my parents waiting for my flight name to be called. In the meantime, I had a little talk with my parents. They were happy for me as well as sad because I'll be away from them. Honestly, I feel the same. Even though it has been my dream to go to seoul and study there, leaving my parents is something that is sad.

"Attention passengers the flight to seoul is going to take off soon so please go to gate no.17 to board your flight" they said. I then bid my goodbyes to my parents and hugged them before leaving to board my flight.

Time skip

It has been 3 hours since the flight took off.  I was reading a romance book all this while so I thought to take a break and looked around to call the air hostess to get something to eat. I had a sandwich and a pepsi since this will make my little hunger go away.  Again after a short break I started to read my book. The book was all I've dreamt of experiencing in my life. The chemistry that the male and female leads have is making me drool over them. GOSHHH how I wish to get a boyfriend like the male lead in the story!!!Yet again not everything in the story will happen in real life but still I just hope to experience some of those romantic moments sometimes. Like going on camping, stargazing at night, holding hands, movie night, cooking date with my loved one just seems more than enough for me. Ok let's stop dreaming about this y/n. Since I still have 3 more hours to reach my destination, I slept for the meantime to relax. Goodnight sweet....dreams to me....

(3 hours later):

It was time to land and I woke up a couple of minutes back. I'm so excited to start a new chapter of my life in seoul. I safely landed in Incheon airport and I took my luggage and went out in search of my father's friend who happens to live here in Incheon.

Y/N pov:

I was looking for mr. Han, my father's friend when I saw my name board being waved by someone. That someone looks way young to be my dad's friend. However I reached the person and I just couldn't believe myself. I'm damn sure he is no way my dad's friend, probably his son? Or someone he sent to pick me up?

"um...excuse me I'm Y/n.." I said scratching my nape. Seriously, it was awkward to just go to a random guy and introduce myself.

"You are y/n?" he asked me and I nodded my head. "I'm Han Jeongin, Mr.Han's son" he introduced himself smiling brightly at me. So I was right, he's Mr.Han's son...

"Shall we go?" he asked me.

"yes" I replied.

We then headed to a car, a luxurious car indeed. He sat in the driver's seat and I sat beside him in the passenger's seat. I was waiting for him to start the car but he didn't. so I looked at him only to be face to face with him. And my heart started beating so loud that I'm pretty sure that jeongin guy heard it. How embarrassing could it get? I was nervous for no reason and since we both were still face to face with each other I moved back a bit, and his hand travelled near my waist and my eyes widened but he pulled the belt and put it on for me. Shit how did I forget to put on the seat belt? So stupid of me. He then backed away and I thanked him.

We were peacefully riding in the car until he had to stop the car suddenly which made the car jerk and as an instinct, I tightly closed my eyes just so I don't see anything. But suddenly I felt something stop me from the impact of the jerk, like something protecting me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that there was jeongin's hand protecting me by putting his hand in front of me, right on my tummy to stop me from hitting on something.

"I'm extremely sorry about the sudden break. Are you hurt somewhere?" he asked worriedly.

"No that's alright I understand. No, I'm good, thank you" I said, smiling a little.

Jeongin's pov:

No no no no noooo jeongin don't fall for that smile idiot. Gosh I can't help myself but be mesmerized about her beauty....her thick straight eyebrows and long curly lashes with a cute little nose which is much smaller than the regular size and lastly...that pouty lips which just makes me want to kiss it right away...ughhh it's frustrating honestly.

Y/N pov:

I don't know what happened but jeongin was still fazed by something that he was frozen in his seat.

"hello? Mr. back to earth" I told him.

He cleared his throat and apologized.

Goddd he looks so damn hot for real. Aishhh what the hell Y/N you can't be thinking about him like that, you don't even know him. However much I tried to control myself, still I ended up admiring him. I didn't even realise he caught me red handed for staring at him.

"done admiring me?" he asked me. "I know I'm handsome and if you want ,take a picture ,it will last long princess"  he told me cockily in a whispering tone which made me blush all of a sudden.

Damn that was so hot of him....

"what? No, I was just looking around and not staring at you." I said

"you sure, princess? Cus I can clearly state that you were looking at me" he said smirking.

"first of all, don't call me by that creepy name, and secondly no I was not looking at you" I said, trying to defend myself.

"aww why can't I call you a princess? You are indeed a princess so why not? A princess needs to be treated like a princess by a prince which we assume it to be me" he said proudly. Damn it where does he gets all these lovey-dovey kind of words from?

"can you please drive faster? I wanna go home soon and stop with your flirting please, it's annoying" I tried to say in the most polite way possible only for him to chuckle at my words.

"yes m'lady" he said, saluting me which made me chuckle at him.

I never thought that he was this fun to be around with. At first I thought he was a quiet guy but hell no he's such an enthusiastic and flirty guy honestly.


Heyy guyssssss!!!!
How's chapter 2? comment down ur reviews/opinions about the chapter. please do support me and vote for me and I'll post the next chapter soon...until then byeeee my lovely readers😊❤️

- ur author

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