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Well, today was a mess; three people took their lives, Mi-na is missing, along with three other students, an awful headache is throbbing in my head, and constantly vomiting while trying to eat since I haven't eaten all day. I've never had bad headaches like this until I reached middle school, or when I injured my head during a softball game. After we finished up at the police station, Ju-ho told Ae-jung, Bo-ra, and I that classes were cancelled for the rest of the week because of the suicides and disappearances, leaving us with more piles of homework to do, so all of us in the building are going to be stressed, but I hope nobody will harm themselves anymore, and we'll make it out okay. Right now, I was laying down on my bed, looking out the window.

I looked at my bandaged ankle, which was itching and throbbing pretty badly. Curiously, I unwrapped my bandage, revealing black blood oozing from the cut instead of the normal red. I immediately got up from my bed and grabbed the first aid kit from the bathroom. I shot Bo-ra a text from my phone as I cleaned up my wound.

My wound is bleeding black. Is that normal?

She then texted back.

I don't think so. Let me finish something up and I'll be over there to check your wound.

Putting my phone down, I tried to clean up the excessive blood that was leaking out of my wound, but it continued to flow, prompting me to press the clean bandage against it. It shouldn't be bleeding that much. I thought. The door then opened, revealing Ae-jung and Ju-ho. They bowed down.

"Hey, unnie. How are you feeling?" She asked, sitting across from me, along with Ju-ho next to her.

"Not good. Look at this." I replied, revealing the bloodied wound, causing them to cringe. Ju-ho propped my foot on his thigh, looking at it.

"Mi-rae really slashed it deep, didn't she?" He said, ignoring the blood that was dripping onto his jeans. "I wonder why she tried to kill you?"

"I don't know. Even though she didn't hang out with us, we were still nice to her," I replied, shaking my head. "I hope her family is doing okay. This whole situation is sad."

Ae-jung sniffled, a few tears falling down her face. "Sung-min oppa was never suicidal, was he?"

"I think he was so traumatized about what he witnessed that it was too much for him," replied Ju-ho, pulling Ae-jung into a hug. "He did well in school, so that's crossed off the list."

A sharp pain then hit my head, causing me to hiss in pain and clutch my head. Ae-jung wiped the tears from her face as she spoke up.

"Are you still having that headache?"

"Yeah. I think my scalp is starting to hurt. Can you check it for me?"

Ae-jung nodded as I tilted my head towards her, running her fingers through my pixie cut. A worried look was painted on her face as Bo-ra came into my room, bowing down to us.

"I'm sorry it took so long. I've just been informed that Mi-na and the three students have been returned to their rooms, but they've been sleeping all day today," she said, noticing Ae-jung's worried look. "What's wrong, unnie?"

"Kyung-ja, I don't think it's your scalp. It looks like you have a rash or an infection on your head," she replied, motioning Bo-ra to sit next to her. "Come look at this."

Bo-ra's eyes widen as she looked through my hair with her fingers; some clumps of it fell into her hand, along with Ae-jung's. I gasped as I clutched my stomach, feeling something rise in my throat.

"Noona, you're not stressed, are you?" Ju-ho asked me, noticing me turning green.

"I-I can't be. I've been doing my home—" I was cut off as I ran to the bathroom, vomiting into the toilet. Ju-ho, Ae-jung, and Bo-ra followed me as Ju-ho stood at the doorway with Bo-ra and Ae-jung comforting me.

Ju-ho stuttered. "W-why is your vomit bloody?"

"And your veins!" exclaimed Ae-jung. I was confused until I looked down at my arms, noticing my veins are no longer their blue color, but now black, with something bulging out of my wrists.

"You don't look so good" said Bo-ra as she and Ae-jung helped me up. I looked at myself in the mirror as my eyes widen; my face was pale, black veins were painted on my body, and small clumps of my hair were falling out, making me resemble a lot like a zombie than a human girl. The lights then started to flicker, from both in the bathroom and the bedroom.

What's going on with me?

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