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 Year 9

         As winter settled in the village, the snow began to fall and the trees were covered in a blanket of white. Despite the cold, Naruto and Ryota were out playing in the snow, building snowmen and having snowball fights. Their bond had grown even stronger in the past year, and they were inseparable.

Ryota continued to be Naruto's rock, supporting him through every hardship and standing up for him when no one else would. Naruto, in turn, was always there for Ryota, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on.

Their friendship was more than just a friendship; it was a brotherhood. They had each other's backs no matter what, and nothing could come between them.

As they sat in front of a fire, warming themselves up from the cold, Naruto turned to Ryota with a smile. "You know, Ryota, I don't know what I would do without you. You've been the best thing to ever happen to me."

Ryota smiled back. "Likewise, Naruto. You've been the brother I never had. I don't think I could have made it this far without you."

They sat in silence for a while, enjoying each other's company and the warmth of the fire.

After a while

Naruto and Ryota were walking through the village, laughing and joking as they made their way to their favorite ramen stand. Suddenly, they heard the sound of angry voices and turned to see a mob of villagers coming towards them, their eyes filled with hate.

Naruto's heart sank as he realized what was happening. He had always known that the villagers hated him, but he never thought they would try to hurt him. He turned to Ryota, his eyes wide with fear, but Ryota stood tall and strong beside him.

"Don't worry, Naruto. I'm here for you," Ryota said, placing a reassuring hand on his friend's shoulder.

The villagers surrounded them, their voices rising to a fever pitch. Suddenly, one of the shinobi in the crowd stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with malice. "We can't let this demon live among us any longer!" he shouted. "We have to take matters into our own hands!"

As the villagers closed in, Naruto and Ryota stood back to back, ready to defend themselves. But then, to their horror, the shinobi raised his sword and plunged it into Ryota's chest.

Naruto's world shattered in that moment. The one person who had accepted him, who had been his friend when no one else would, was gone. He fell to his knees beside Ryota, tears streaming down his face, as the villagers continued to jeer and hurl insults at him.

     Naruto after seeing the tragic death of Ryota, Naruto's world turned dark. The grief and anger inside of him were overwhelming, and his chakra surged uncontrollably. The mob of people who had gathered to harm him were thrown back by the raw power of his emotions.

     The commotion caught the attention of the Uchiha clan members who were patrolling the area .They quickly arrived at the scene and were shocked at what they saw. Naruto was consumed by darkness and releasing violent amount chakra while clutching on the dead body of Ryota. 

         The member of Uchiha's used the seal to suppress the chakra that was being release by Naruto, However. 


The explosion caused by the overloaded seal caught the attention of the Third Hokage, who rushed to the scene with other powerful ninja. As he saw Naruto holding Ryota's lifeless body, the Hokage knew that something terrible had happened.

He approached Naruto slowly, trying not to startle him. "Naruto, what happened here? Why did you unleash such a violent amount of chakra?"

Naruto slowly looked up at the Hokage, his eyes filled with anger and sorrow. "They killed Ryota, Hokage-sama. They killed him just because he was my friend."

The Hokage's heart sank as he realized the depth of Naruto's pain. "I'm so sorry, Naruto. But you mustn't let your grief consume you. You have a bright future ahead of you, and Ryota would have wanted you to keep striving for it."

But Naruto wasn't listening. His mind was consumed with thoughts of revenge and darkness. He felt like the world had turned against him, and he was all alone in his pain.

As the days passed, Naruto became increasingly distant and hostile towards everyone. He would skip class, lash out at his classmates, and even pick fights with other ninja. His chakra became more erratic and unstable, causing fear and concern among those around him.

Later on a day

Naruto is at sleep at that moment he counters someone.

Naruto: RYOTA?

Next Chapter Tommorow

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