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     Naruto: Ryota

Naruto looked at his brother like friend with sadness as he came to realization that this is a dream.

Meanwhile 3rd person

As Minato sat in his Hokage office, he was deep in conversation with Jiraiya and Kushina about the increasing tension between the villagers and the Uchiha clan. Suddenly, the door burst open and in walked Fugaku Uchiha, the head of the Uchiha clan. Minato's eyes met Fugaku's, and he could sense the tension in the air. 

 "Fugaku, what brings you here?" Minato asked, trying to keep his tone neutral."I'm here to report a troubling event," Fugaku replied, his voice tense. "One of our civilian boys, Ryota Uchiha, was killed by a group of villagers. We've already captured them."Minato felt a pang of sadness and anger at the news. 

Ryota had been a genius and a friend of his own son Naruto, as well as Akira and Kana. He knew he had to do something to prevent further violence between the villagers and the Uchiha clan.Kushina's eyes widened at the mention of Ryota's name. She remembered him as the kind and brilliant boy who used to play with Naruto when they were young. She looked at Minato, whose face had become grim at the news. 

 Minato: "I see. Did they say anything about their motives?"

 Fugaku: "The villagers claimed that they were taking revenge for the Nine-Tails attack, even though Ryota had nothing to do with it." 

 Jiraiya let out a deep sigh, "This is getting out of hand. We need to do something before it escalates further."

 Kushina nodded in agreement, "We can't let innocent lives be taken like this. What can we do?" 

 Minato's eyes grew cold as he thought about the situation. He knew that the current tensions could lead to an all-out war between the villagers and the Uchiha clan, and he couldn't let that happen

Minato took a deep breath before speaking. "Fugaku, I understand the gravity of the situation. We cannot let innocent lives be taken like this. However, I propose a solution that may prevent further violence."

Fugaku looked at Minato, intrigued. "What is your solution, Hokage-sama?"

Minato continued, "I suggest that we relocate the Uchiha clan to a central location within the village. This way, we can ensure their safety and prevent any further attacks on innocent civilians or members of the Uchiha clan. Additionally, we will increase security measures to ensure that any individuals with hostile intent are captured before they can cause harm."

Jiraiya nodded in agreement. "That's a solid plan. It'll also help to ease tensions between the two groups."

Kushina smiled, relieved that a solution had been proposed. "That's a great idea, Minato. We need to act fast before things get worse."

Fugaku thought for a moment before speaking, "I agree with your proposal, Hokage-sama. We will work with you to ensure a smooth relocation process for our clan."

Minato nodded, grateful for their cooperation. "Thank you, Fugaku. Let's work together to ensure a peaceful resolution to this conflict."

With the decision made, Minato immediately set his plans into action, assigning ANBU to increase security measures and working with the Uchiha clan to ensure a safe relocation. The situation had been diffused, and he could only hope that the tensions between the villagers and the Uchiha clan would eventually dissipate.

Some time later

Minato sat in his study, deep in thought after bidding farewell to Fugaku, his former colleague and friend. As he looked up at the portrait of his late wife, Kushina, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for his oldest son, Naruto, who had been left alone in the world without any family.

"I want you two to befriend Naruto," he said suddenly, addressing his two younger children, Akira and Kana, who were sitting in the room with him.

Kana looked up, confused. "Why?" she asked. "He isn't interesting and he barely even talks to us."

Akira nodded in agreement. "Yes, Father, I agree with Kana. We did ask Ryota to introduce Naruto to us, but he said Naruto is shy."

Minato sighed, knowing he had to reveal the truth to them. "Akira, Kana, it seems I would have to tell you the secret," he said, his voice low. "Naruto is your older brother."

There was a sudden silence in the room as the two siblings processed this information. Akira's eyes widened in shock, while Kana simply stared at her father, unable to believe what she had just heard.

"Our brother?" Akira finally spoke up, his voice trembling. "Why didn't you tell us before?"

"It was too painful to talk about," Minato admitted, his gaze turning towards the portrait of Kushina. "But now that Fugaku is gone, I cannot bear to see Naruto alone. I want you two to be there for him, to support him, and to be the family he deserves."

Akira and Kana looked at each other, nodding in unison. "We understand, Father," Akira said softly. "We will be there for Naruto."

AN:- He summons Kana and Akira after he bid farewell to Fugaku

Sorry About yesterday, There was just too much homework, So I couldn't. Next chapter might come tommorow judging by the amount of work I will have tommorow. 

Sayonara Min'na

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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