Angel Devil - AngelHair

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*Songfic series: MANNEQUIN, Deco*27
Inspired by the lyrics of: AngelHair


[Description: "I'm always a loser.", "I can always quit, I can cool down if I want to.", & "I wish I could hug you deep down and say it's insecurity; if only that were love."]

Angel Devil x Reader


The sun had just risen up, it was blaring itself into your eyes. You've been awake for a few minutes now, staring out through your window. It was annoying, the sun in your eyes, even if you shut them tight all you could see was red.

You try and move your body off the bed, but his arms were wrapped securely around you.

"...Angel? When I said to get comfortable with me, I didn't mean to get this comfortable..." Was the first thing you said, he only just started sleeping next to you. He was fully covered, by his own will, and so were you! His arms weren't tight, but at the same time you couldn't move.


"Hey! Wake up! I know you aren't asleep!" You twist your body to face him, he quickly shuts his eyes in response, "Aha! I new it! C'mon Angel, let go of me... just for a little bit..."

"I can't. I just got to have you all to myself. I don't want you to leave..." Angel murmured as he opened his eyes again.

"But the sun in shining in my eyes!!" You whine as you hug Angel, trying your hardest to be persuasive

"Just sleep facing me..." Angel shoved his head into your left shoulder, right i between the bed and your chin.

"And we need to get ready for the day~ We still have a job to do~"

"Stop saying that... can't you just call off sick for today? I want to spend the rest of the..."

"No can do! Sorry, I used up all my sick days a while ago. You should probably know that by now." You smile as you play with a couple of loose strands of Angel's hair.

"...Say that I'm sick." His voice was muffled as he spoke into your chest, you could feel his breath.

"A devil. Sick? No way they're gonna believe that. Plus, we'll both be in deep shit if we're late again."

"But I don't want to move..." Angel rubbed against your body some more

"Fine, you can stay in bed. I'll make some breakfast and I'll wake you up when it's time, alright?" You used the softest voice you could.

"I don't want you to leave me either"

"You have to choose, my Angel. Me or the bed?"

"You. Duh."

"Yeah I thought so, come on. Let's go!"


You lift yourself off the bed, Angel was still clinging onto you, he was warm as per usual. You hadn't noticed until now, but you two barely made any contact together outside from the... not safe for work stuff. His eyes were shut still, he trusts you enough to lead him the right way and to not drop him.

The breakfast you "made" was simple and easy. No need to open the fridge and make yourself and Angel cold. It was just bread covered in whatever else you had laying around. You didn't toast it either. Simple and easy.

"Wake up, Angel." You spoke gently as you poke his clothes shoulder. 'I really want to touch his face.' You shake it off as he opens his eyes again to see you.

"Are we leaving now?"

"Nope, you aren't ready. And... We both need to eat" Your hand hovers over the food you 'made'.

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