Yoshida - Open Book

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*i used the most hideous picture of him oh my god.

Open Book

[Description: You can read everyone, except Yoshida. You soon make plans to get to know him better, they fail abruptly and he's the one reading you instead.]

Yoshida x Reader


The seat next to you is empty, it always is. Your classmate is never here. You don't exactly mind, he has a good excuse. The teachers love him, the girls love him, the guys want to be him. Hirofumi Yoshida.

You liked him too, he was nice to be around. Always so calm, it was sort of concerning. His smile was freaky and his eyes were dark, no light to be seen. His hair covered them nicely, you weren't sure how he was even able to see. He had a small beauty mark under his lip towards the left side, it complimented him perfectly. Yoshida wore his uniform with his coat always worn properly. It was cute on him, nothing out of the ordinary. Though, his actual personality was quite strange. You could never place your finger on it, he was different from everyone else. He was extremely hard to read.

Fortunately for you though, Yoshida found you hard to read as well. You always found your way into his brain whether he liked it or not, lying at the back of his head at all times. Of course, that was usually because he had to focus on his job. If it weren't for that, his main focus would be you completely.

Yoshida had been gone from classes for almost a week, this isn't unusual. You weren't lonely, you had other friends, but he was interesting and you were still in the middle of trying to decode him.

You felt bad for him, missing days of schoolwork because of "family emergency's". Not that you really missed his presence next to you though, right?

You didn't need to miss him again because you two would regain all that time apart when you tutored him on all that he missed, whether it be school work or the latest gossip. He didn't seem to mind your ramblings about the latest clubs, fashion trends, what the class average was, none of that. Yoshida listened to what you had to say, well... you hope he was listening. You still can't really tell yet. He was a strange phenomenon, you could tell everything about everyone just by the way they breathed. Yoshida is strange. He's crept up on you and scared you without meaning to. His presence is unknown until he makes himself visible. He breathes quietly, too quietly.

Today, Yoshida was back. You waved to him, he waved back. Nothing new. What is a good way to learn more about one another? What if you two were to hang out together after school, that sounds fun. Maybe you could do that after you give him your notes, yeah. That'll work, and if he declines, then you'll just have to think of something else.

"Hey Yoshida, you're a popular guy, right?" You speak up, you were sat backwards on a chair so you could look at him up close. He was a lot more pretty up close. Yoshida nods and continued to scribble down more notes without looking up at you, "Do you have any free days? I'd like to hang out with you without it being related to school. We are friends, right?" You pout a little, his expression didn't change. Maybe you will need to come up with a different plan.

"Mmm, yeah. We're friends. I'm free tomorrow, and I'm done." Yoshida looked up from his paper, he looked into your eyes. You quickly looked away, how awkward. You take back the note book as you praise him for his efficiency. Glancing at his notes, his handwriting was nice, but his notes weren't as detailed as yours, "If we're done now, I'll be leaving." Yoshida got up from his chair and began putting his notes in his book bag. His hands looked nice too, you noticed they were also slightly bruised. What does he even do after school?

Yoshida watched you for a second before waving a goodbye, you waved back. You hung your head down, you smiled to yourself. He said yes to hanging out with you. You couldn't wait to learn more.

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