Denji - Cinderella

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*Songfic series: MANNEQUIN, Deco*27
Inspired by the lyrics of: Cinderella


[Description: "The truth is I just want you to like me.", "A 'Hello' making me spinning", & "Hey I want you to tell me how I should act in this situation."]

Denji x Reader


"What should I do." Denji murmured under his breath, his face was red as he was sitting in your bathroom staring at the handle of the door. Did he really just touch you, like that? It's been so long, what's he going to do? He's stressed, he's never been this far with someone who he doesn't even know!

"What should I do??" Repeated over and over and over again. Denji has never been in a relationship before, at least, not in a real relationship before. Nothing like this. Nothing. Every other person who he's been even a tad bit intimate with has tried to kill him, but you were different, you were safe. You would never do anything like that, not that he would know of.

"Denji is everything alright?" You knock at the door, his eyes look up from the handle to the middle of the doorway, somewhere he knew you were standing on the other side. It was about time he got out anyway.

"Y-yeah. I dunno what happened, sorry about that." He cringed at his words, it almost seemed he raced into the bathroom after a simple hug. His feelings were overwhelming him. His brain was messing him up, he wished he could just cut it out. Literally.

"Did I do something to overwhelm you?" You ask softly again as the door opens, you jump away from the sudden movement, Denji looks at you, his eyes had a hint of red. Everything you did overwhelmed him. He was... just so so so happy to be with you.

"No! Never... I just. Maybe I should leave now." Denji stuttered out, his right hand scratching the back of his head as he smiled, his sharp teeth barely showing.

"If I did something you didn't like you can always just tell me! C'mon, I won't be mad!~" You smile as you make your way back to your couch.

"I just... I just don't know what to do now." Denji confessed, his eyes facing the floor as he walked over to be next to you again, "I've never really made it this far. I feel useless."

"That's alright, Chainsaw Boy!" You grinned as you grasp his left arm, he opened his mouth in shock before shutting it quickly after, "There's a first time for everything! You saved the day last time you... with the whole devil attack. So this time, for our relationship, I'll be your knight in shining armor!"

"H-huh?" His eyes were quickly jolted onto you before he looked away yet again, he was sweaty. How cute, "What do you mean?"

"I'll teach you the basics, you'll live and you'll learn. That's how life works. Maybe this won't work out... but! We can make it worth our while." You laughed as you snuggle into his arm harder.

"I didn't get anything you just said"

"What I mean is..." You take his head in you hands to make it face you, "You don't need to worry about anything. This'll be fine."

"Alright. If you... uh. Say so." Denji's face turned brighter as he finally comprehended that your hands were on his face. Not with any violent intent at all. Your hands were warm, warmer than they usually were when the two of you were at school, "S-so, what should I do now?"

"I don't need to tell you that, think for yourself!" Those words were the exact opposite of what a certain someone told him. The last person he was able to be intimate with. Makima. He shook his head quickly, you were he exact opposite of her,  "So do what you want to do."

"What I want to do?"

"Exactly." You take your hands off his face and take his hands into yours instead, "Like for example: I want to hold your hands." You smile at him, he stares at you, stunned. He watches your features stare back at him in an unforgettable silence.

"I..." Denji looks away for a split second before continuing to make eye contact, "I want to... uhm. Kiss you."

Your face turns red. You did not expect that, not in the slightest. His eyes didn't break from yours, you blink to make sure this was really real.

"Are you sure?" You ask, you were sure he could hear it, even if it was quiet.

"Yeah, I want to. I- I really want to."

"Okay. If it's what you want, try to start it yourself." You smirk, "Let's call this our practice round, my princess."

Denji smiled at your joke, he waited for a second before speaking again, "Wait really? Uhm. How do I do this?"

"Well, do you want an example?" You joke, a light blush spreading onto your cheeks, knowing him, he's probably going to say yes.

"Hell yeah— oh. I mean. Yes please." Denji coughed the other way, fixing his mannerisms.
You smile as you lean in to kiss him, it wasn't a lot. Just a quick peck on the lips, your eyes were closed for just a second. His lips were soft for someone with such sharp teeth.

"This is the second time, do you think you can do it by yourself now?"


"Just go for it! I'll close my eyes so you'll feel more... I dunno. Less pressure I guess." You close your eyes, still smiling over at the general direction of Denji.

Denji sat there. Watching your lips. Glancing to your other gestures, should he hold your shoulders? Keep his hands with your own? His hands on the back of your head? He had no clue what to do.

Slowly, Denji leaned in closer, keeping his hands where they already were. Your lips were only a few centimeters apart. With a slight push from himself, Denji's lips were on yours. Pushing further, you were on the edge of the couch, on top of the arm of the sofa. You open your eyes in shock due to his boldness to see his eyes were shut closed.

You smile into the kiss he had yet to part from. One kiss turned into many more, the two of you panting as you finally split apart. Your hands were in his hair as his hands were on your sides, trapping you between them.

"Was that good?" Denji asked, his eyes opening for the first time after the sweet kisses. His face was redder than it was the last time you saw it.
Your lips turnt upwards into a smile as you kiss his cheek, "I guess you can say it needs work, but for now... It was perfect."


"Good afternoon, Princess~" You joke, waving at him as you make your way towards Denji.

"Urghh... stop calling me that." Denji sighed, his uniform's coat unbuttoned lazily and his book bag wedges in between his armpit, "Makes me feel weird."

"What? You don't like me pampering you anymore?" You laugh as you pepper kisses all over his face, everywhere but his mouth.

"N-no... I just..." He looks away before walking off, you following effectively next to him, "I guess I must like it then."

"It's okay! I'll be your princess at some point, you just have to wait your turn!" You take his other free arm and latch onto it, not giving him the time of day to break free. It's not like it bothered him that much anyway.

"You missed my mouth y'know. Aren't you gonna... like. Try again?" Denji's ears turned red, you smirk before processing what he said for a few more seconds.

"What? You want me to kiss you for real? Why don't you practice on me again, like a final boss round!"

"Nah, I don't think I'm really ready." Denji's eyes shifted onto yours, lips turning downward as you two turn into an alleyway.

Quickly, Denji's lips were on yours. That caught you by surprise, really! You gasped into the kiss, his arms locking you in.

"You liar!" You shrieked in amusement as the two of you finally break off contact.

"Did I win?"

"Yeah. I guess you finally won against the final boss."


A/N: quick fic!

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