Angel Devil - Parasite

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*Songfic series: MANNEQUIN, Deco*27
Inspired by the lyrics of: Parasite


[Description: "Hey, if you love me, please notice, let me dream— Why can't you understand? I hate you!", "I loved the bad parts too, everything was fine.", & "I was stupid to believe I was all you need."] 

Angel Devil x Reader


You lay in bed next to Angel, he hasn't moved an inch since coming back to your place. You suppose that he's just tired, but the two of you haven't had a single good interaction together in what felt like weeks. You wanted to cry out and say something... but at the same time, you didn't want to break the silence the two of you were in.

You shouldn't always have to be the person who starts the conversation, but at the same time you knew nothing would happen if you didn't make the first move. Angel meant everything to you and you wanted a real relationship with him, but right now it feels like you were mothering him. Mothering or smothering him, you couldn't tell if he cared or not.

You take a deep breath in before you start talking, "Are you okay, Angel?"

No response.

"Angel?" You turn over, looking down on him, "Why aren't you talking to me? Did I do something wrong?" His eyes turn towards you before getting up.

"No, you didn't do anything." He sighed out, pulling a pillow over his head, "Now leave me alone."

"Well you can't keep ignoring me! We live together for fucks sake!" You whine, letting a curse word slip your mouth, "If you hate me so much you can leave! I let you live here for absolutely nothing, the least you can do is humor me every now and again. Is that really too much to ask for?"

"I live here because we're partners and Makima is forcing me to." Angel groans out, flipping around, stomach first on the bed. The pillow over his head now under his face.

"I just don't understand why you wont talk to me... I'm sorry, I know you're an introvert but you could at least-"

"Yada yada... whatever, I don't have empathy. I'm a devil, not a human. I thought you would've understood this by now."

"Well I guess it's my fault for thinking you cared about me!"

"Yeah, it kind of is!"

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"I'm quite literally doing nothing. Humans and their emotions... how annoying." He complained under his breath, sitting up to face you, "But whatever. It's fine. I've lived long enough, and it sounds like you have a lot of pent up emotion. So go ahead I guess."

"Ugh! If you really insist." You ball your hand into a fist and put it in your lap, "I feed you, I wash your clothes, I pay the rent, you sleep in my bed, you leave crumbs everywhere, and you use up all the hot water!"

"Is that it? I kind of expected more."

''And the worst part is... is that I love you. I think you're the prettiest person- thing that I've ever seen! And I want you to know that. That if you don't like me back, just tell me so I don't just wander into a big dark hole of nothingness! But you don't do anything, you do nothing!! I hate you!'' but you didn't actually say that out loud. "Yeah. That's it. If I said anything else I might have to kill you!"

"So now you're really treating me like a devil, huh?"

"That's not what I meant and you know it! Well maybe you don't..? It was more of a sarcastic comment, I guess." You sigh out, rubbing the crook of your eyes with your left hand.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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