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School. Great. As Ember Addams entered the building, she wasn't at all surprised to see people backing away from her as she walked up the hall. It gave her a sort of savage pride.

You see, Ember was the type of girl to enjoy being the black sheep, and not care at all whether she had no friends. Her favourite hobby was torturing her cousin, Pugsley. And playing the violin. But mainly the torture.

Her other cousin, Wednesday, was the same. She and Wednesday were often confused to be twins, as they were very, very alike. Not really in looks, but in personality? Definitely.

You see, Ember's mother was Wednesday and Pugsley's aunt. Their mother's sister. But Ophelia Frump, who was Ember's mother, had passed away a few years ago, so Ember had been taken in by Morticia and Gomez Addams. Her aunt and uncle.

But either way, today, Ember was walking down the halls alone. Usually, Wednesday accompanied her. Not by choice, but by the fact that they had no other friends to walk with.

But today, Wednesday had walked on ahead of her, and so Ember had been left alone. So she walked slowly up the corridor, her two pitch black plaits by her side and her dark red school dress on her body. She only wore two colours. Black or red. She was 'allergic' to the rest. Wednesday, meanwhile, only wore black.

I'm not sure whose twisted idea it was to put hundreds of adolescents in underfunded buildings resembling prisons, run by people whose dreams were crushed years ago, Ember pondered as she walked. But I admire the sadism.

Her unblinking eyes went from side to side as she arrived at her locker. It was right beside Pugsley's, which was heavily graffitied. People would bully Ember and Wednesday, too, but both girls had proved that they shouldn't be messed with. Many times, as people didn't seem to learn their lesson.

"Cousin," Wednesday slid into position beside Ember, suddenly, appearing out of nowhere from the mass of students. Ember gave her a cold nod, before suddenly hearing something from inside Pugsley's locker.

Since Ember had a key for both, she instantly opened up the locker, and who should fall out of it but Pugsley himself? He was roped up; bound tightly, and an apple was gagging his mouth.

Someone did this to him, Ember realised with a burning anger. Even though she and her cousin loved to torture Pugsley, if anyone else did it? Oh, they were dead.

"I want names," Wednesday said, point blank, as she took the apple out of Pugsley's mouth.

"I don't know who they were! Honest!" Pugsley cried. He often refused to give his sisters the names of his bullies. He knew their lives would probably come very close to an end if he did.

Ember looked at the ropes around her cousin pityingly. "Pugsley, emotion equals weakness," she spoke, as the boy looked like he was about to cry. Neither Ember not Wednesday had any interest in tears. "Just stop being so weak."

However, as she said this, she touched a rope, and her head shot upwards, eyes aiming to the ceiling...

However, she didn't see the ceiling. She knew exactly what was happening. She was having a vision.

Boys tossing Pugsley around... him wailing... roping him up...

"You scared, kid? Scared?"

Laughing... shoving him into the locker... slamming an apple in his mouth... shutting the door... it was the swimming team...

Suddenly, Ember's head shot downwards again, and Wednesday's eyes went straight to her. They weren't filled with pity or compassion, but curiosity and knowing.

"What is it?" Pugsley asked.

I'm not about to confess to my cousin that I've recently been plagued with visions. I could only recently bring myself to tell Wednesday. However, I found out she was going through the same thing. They come on without warning, and feel like electroshock therapy but without the satisfying afterburn.

"Leave this to me," Ember said, grinding her teeth.

Wednesday followed her without a word. She knew what they needed to do. Even if she didn't know who they were going to.

"Wait, Ember! Wednesday?" Pugsley made Wednesday turn around, but not Ember, who was already determinedly marching away. However, she did catch their short conversation.

"What are you going to do?"

"What we do best."


After giving Wednesday a short answer for what she had seen in the vision, the two girls had picked out their torture method and were now climbing up the steps to the school pool, where the swim team were practising.

Each carried a bag of piranhas.

Now, this might seem a bit extreme, but to Ember and Wednesday, it was just revenge.

Sweet, sweet revenge.

Anyway, as the two mounted the steps, a deep shout from the pool came up to them.

"Yo, look! It's Pigsley's sisters!"

Another shouted. "Hey freaks, what d'you want? This is a closed practice!"

Even though they had Ember's relation to Pugsley wrong, neither girl cared.

"The only people that get to torture my brother is us," Wednesday said in a monotone, staring the boys down.

"But we can add you to the list," Ember added, also deadpan, eyes dark and filled with hatred.

Slowly, the two girls raised their bags, the small, biting fish squirming about inside. There were at least twenty in each bag. They were well covered.

Slowly, it began to dawn upon the swimmers that they had to get away. But not before Ember released her bag. Swiftly followed by Wednesday. Each girl was unblinking, watching the torture with satisfied faces.

Some of the swim team was getting away, but the piranhas were hot on their trail; closing in on their prey.

By now, half the team was out the water, but the captain; the one who had called Pugsley 'Pigsley' and Ember and Wednesday 'freaks'? He was still fair game.

And just as he grabbed the ladder to get out the pool, the piranhas caught up, about thirty of them sinking their sharp teeth into his legs.

Red blood satisfyingly emblazoned the pool water and the boy let out a loud scream.

Ember and Wednesday did something rare; they smiled. Or at least, smirked.

The job was done.

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