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Arriving at my class, I spot a familiar face; who was currently flirting with the girl in front.

"Hey Drea."

Upon hearing her name being called, she halts the conversation before turning to face me.

"Hey (Y/n)!" She beamed, "What? You got another letter from secret admirer again?" She teased with a smirk gracing her tanned features, a mischievous glint in her chestnut colored eyes.

I roll my eyes at her before approaching my seat. Which was, unfortunately, right next to hers. From the corner of my eye I watch as she leaned back, with her legs in a casual manspread and her arm comfortably lounging on the backrest of the chair.

"Hm, yeah." I started, "I still don't know who it is though."

"Well? Let me read then. I'm sure I can identify whose penmanship that is." She starts annoyingly wiggling her eyebrows as she leaned her face close to mine.

Grumbling, I harshly push her face away. "No, the letter is for my eyes and my eyes only. Plus, it's special." I already know that she's only offering that because she wants to tease me.

Drea barks out a laugh before running her hand through her black, hush cut hair, fixing it in the process.

"Okay, dear."

As the both of us continue our banter, we don't notice the boy seated behind me furiously blushing.


'She thinks it's special..?'


It's math.

Looking at my book in hand, I sigh at the reminder of my worst subject. With the constant numbers and thinking required, I can barely keep up. Math really wasn't my speciality, nor did I enjoy doing it.

As I dreadingly walked through the hallway leading to my doom, I catch sight of the bright, yellow-orange sun shining through the vast windows on the left side of the hall. Only then did I get reminded of the fact that the only reason I looked forward to this specific subject was because,

it was scheduled in the afternoon, and I get to see her under the golden hour sun.

And now I'm sat here, barely listening to the lecture that I should really listen to. Im trying not to, really. But I can't help it. I can't help but stare, captivated by the way the light seems to accentuate her beauty. I thank whatever god exists up there for letting me sit behind her.

She looks pretty.

Like- really really pretty.

The warm colored sun shining down on her, bathing her in a warm and radiant light that seems to enhance every feature of her face. Her skin glows with a soft and subtle radiance, and the light catches in her eyes, making them sparkle with a luminous quality that is almost mesmerizing.

Mesmerized by how her hair seems to catch fire in the sunlight, the strands of gold and copper seeming to dance in the breeze. The sight making me feel as though I just caught sight of an angel sent down from above.

Ah. There it is again, that fast-paced beating of my heart.

God, if only she knew how gorgeous she was.

"Isagi Yoichi, are you listening?"

The painfully strict voice from my teacher resonated around the room -that no doubt was directed towards me- could be heard by almost everyone. Meaning, everyone was now looking at me, with some even turning their heads just to do so.

"Uh, y-yeah!" I stuttered out, caught off guard and embarrassed. Even more embarrassed when I catch sight of (Y/n)'s eyes on mine.

I don't know if I'm red from the embarrassment of being called out, or the embarrassment of her looking at me. Either way, I'm pretty sure I was red by now.

I get even more caught off guard when I hear her giggle.

Looking up from my terrible attempt of trying to hide my face, I catch sight of her staring directly at me. Smiling.


There's that smile. So radiant and contagious, it's breathtaking. The kind of smile that gives me the feeling of walking on a cloud of bliss. And her giggle too? Nothing but music to my ears.

I think I might've fallen deeper.


"I'm home."

"Yo-chan?" My mom's voice could be heard from the kitchen. Peaking her head to look at me taking my school shoes off, she asks, "How was today? Did she read your letter? What was her reaction?"

"Mom..!" I swear, how many times did I blush today?


"Well, she did read by the looks of it. She called my letter.... special...." The more words I uttered, the lower the volume of my voice was.

In response, my mom just laughed at me, further making me want to dig a hole and hide from the rest of the world.

"That's nice." She shoots me an encouraging smile.

"Yeah.. Anyway-" I started, quickly changing the subject. "I'll just go rest at my room, 'kay?"

"Alright, dinner at six."

I nod before heading towards my room. Once inside, I immediately jump onto my bed before covering my face with a nearby pillow. Screaming into it, I get a flashback of everything that had transpired today.

"You look like a schoolgirl having a huge crush on someone."

Flinching, I look up to see my dad leaning on the doorway with his arms crossed, a teasing smile on his face.


Did I forget to lock my door?

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