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Now.. this was definitely unexpected.

He was about to put another letter in, only for one to be already taped onto the locker.

'Huh? I don't remember putting this.' He thought, 'Maybe she has another admirer?' Pursing his lips, he can't help but be curious and take a closer look at the paper more properly.

On it, is something that caught him off guard.

'To: Anon' Written in a penmanship that was no doubt by (Y/n).

He's sure it was for him. But.. what if it wasn't? What if she was referring to someone else? What if he was right about her having another admirer? He honestly wouldn't be surprised.

Shaking off the thoughts, he realizes that no one took the letter, coming to the conclusion that it must be for him. If (Y/n) had put the letter in at a time earlier than he does, then she must've found out about his usual schedule and wanted him to see it before he puts his own in; the fact further proving that it was intended to be given to him.

Carefully taking out the letter, he catches sight of the little cat stickers decorating the light colored envelope, making his heart swell with a familiar warmth that seemed to only appear whenever he saw her.

The warmth continued to spread with a mixture of excitement and curiosity. Only for it to be added with worry.

'What if this is her way of rejecting me..?'

The positive emotions that brew within left just as quick as they appeared, replacing it with the negative thoughts that had recently enveloped his mind. When realizing that there's no point in overthinking, he decides to just see what she had to say.

If she's gonna reject him, then so be it.

Not that he had a chance with her anyway, with his 'friends' so kindly telling him that he's average regarding looks and personality.

With the thought in mind, he opens up the letter with trembling hands and nervously starts reading it's-rather long- contents.

As he continued reading, the gears finally started twisting and turning in his head; causing a pleasant realization that she isn't rejecting him to click in his overwhelmed brain as he reads the girl's written work. On it, it said,


This is probably unexpected on your part, but I decided that it'd be best if I responded to you. I know I'd end up doing this one way or another, so writing a letter back is the only good option I can think of right now. One thing though, I'm not sure who you are.

If this is my friends messing with me.. fuck off this isn't funny anymore.

But if it's not.. then, who?

I'm dumb. Sorry. This is exactly the whole purpose of you being anonymous isn't it? But still, doesn't beat my point of me not being sure who you are. I don't recall being close with anyone else other than my friends.

But anyway, I'll respect your decision of being anonymous. As long as you're not messing with me that is.

To address the elephant in the room, yes, I'm aware of your feelings towards me. You've made it very clear.

I'm flattered, but I still don't know who you are. Please don't think of this as me rejecting you, it's just that since you want to keep your identity a secret, it wouldn't hurt for me to want to know more-at least something about you, right?

So.. wanna get to know each other first? I doubt you've 'fallen' for me based on my looks. But it also can't be my personality if we're not even close. Who knows, once you actually get to know me, I might not be the girl of your dreams after all.

(p.s. We can talk through these letters or however you want it! You seem interesting.)

Yours truly,
(Y/n) :P


Isagi couldn't believe it.

He swore his eyes were deceiving him and that this whole letter was just a hallucination, trying to convince himself that he's actually just standing there looking like a fucking lunatic with his hands holding up thin air.

But no.

No matter how many times he had roughly opened and closed his eyes, aggressively blinking, the paper remained still in his clutches. This was real.

It was all very real. Unnervingly so.

No way, not in a million years, did she just acknowledge him. Not only that, but she called him interesting. Huh???

The boy could do nothing but gape and stand there in nothing but shock and confusion. He's trying not to look dumb in front of the not-so many students-considering the early hour- but he physically cannot stop himself from letting his jaw hang low.

The students around him could care less about what he's doing though. But he doesn't know that.

'So.. wanna get to know each other first?'

The words that he deemed to be a product of his own imagination started flashing over and over in his head, the fresh memory of the first time he read it replaying itself like a videotape lagging. He looked down with his mouth still slightly agape, catching sight of his own light blue letter in the process; the one he was holding onto with his unoccupied hand.

'Oh crap!' A sudden realization washes over him as he continues to think, 'Right.. I have to respond..'

"Hmm..." He quietly hums out with scrunched eyebrows as he reached into his bag, his blue letter now in between his unoccupied fingers on his other hand; the other gaps having been occupied by (Y/n)'s envelope and letter.

He continues to rummage through his bag before finally pulling out the vibrant-colored square piece of paper along with his handy dandy pen. He takes a piece of the highlighter-like colored paper before pressing it onto the locker as a way to have a solid structure to write on.

The tiny space that the sticky note provided wasn't much of a problem as the only thing he really needed to write was, 'Yeah, I'd love to interact with you this way. :D'

When he finally puts the light blue letter inside-which was filled with the usual sweet words he wrote- and stuck the additional note onto the metal surface, he clicks the top of the pen to keep it from writing unwanted scribbles in his bag. He continues by taking a step back to contently look at the vibrant green note that was now sticking itself onto the girl's locker for her to see.

'Can't wait to finally get to know you more, (Y/n)'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03 ⏰

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