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I can't sleep.

Seriously, how long have I been awake?

The words from the letter replayed in my mind like a constant loop as the never-ending questions spun my mind out of control. The never-ending questions of 'Who could this be?', 'Is this genuine?', 'How should I deal with this?'.

I can't focus on anything else, and my anxiety did nothing but grow with each passing minute. I know I had to respond. It'd be heartless not to. But, how? I'd be lying if I said I knew what to say. I really don't. That much is very obvious.

Laying in bed and staring at the ceiling did little to help in halting these thoughts, as doing so only added more. I can't hear anything else but the constant ticking of my clock and the narration of my own voice inside my head. The quiet of the night seemed to amplify my worries and fears, leaving me in a spiraling cycle of continuous overthinking.

And there was only one culprit behind this matter.

Looking to the side where my desk was, I glare daggers at the light blue letter sitting on top of it, narrowing my eyes at the piece of paper as the frown plastered on my face only deepened. Right next to it were similar pieces of paper with the same shade of blue, all stacked up in a pile.

Sighing, I sit back up before approaching the desk. Intently staring at the letters, I scrunch my eyebrows together and groan, "What am I gonna do with you?"

There was a pin-drop silence before I let out a small 'Ah.' of realization. Thinking back to all the past letters, this person was pretty respectful and didn't seem to cross any boundaries. So, why not befriend them? There I can get to know them better all the while responding to them in a way.

Quickly taking a seat on my desk chair, I take out all the necessities needed for writing the letter, taking note to decorate it afterward. I wouldn't want to make the effort seem one-sided.

Smiling, I hold up the finished product, proud of my work. Bringing it back down, I skim through the words I wrote to make sure there weren't any grammatical or spelling errors.

'Hm, seems good enough.' I thought, before keeping it in a secured spot in my bag. After doing so, I look to the side only to see the numbers, '1:34' displayed on the small digital clock with the small letters, 'a.m.' right next to it, bringing a horrible reminder.

"Shit!" I quietly cursed.


Waking up was certainly hell on earth. Six hours of sleep is not enough.

But oh well, I gotta do what I gotta do. Because whoever this person is, they always put the letters in at the most ungodly hours of each and every day.

Rubbing my sleepy eyes that was now graced with eye bags, I groggily walked towards my locker. Since this person obviously doesn't have access, I was left with no choice but to tape the letter onto my locker. After doing so, I contemplate whether to stay and find out who this person is or just leave it be.

I ended up choosing the latter.

Listen, as much as I'd love to know who it is, I'd love it more if I didn't have to think about what to say when rejecting this person. It's too early for that shit.

And so, I'll just leave and respect this person's choice of being anonymous.


Making my merry way towards my class -my mood having been lifted up after napping at the school library- I catch sight of Drea, who was, unsurprisingly, flirting with another girl again.

She always does this, every new day is a new girl. And they always look to be interested in her as well and return the energy. I don't blame them though. She's charming and easy on the eye, always replying to whatever they say with some lame, cheesy line that somehow makes them swoon over her even more.

Except this one.

I watch as the long, wavy haired, blonde stare at her with nothing but the words 'unimpressed' stamped on her eyes. She rolls them before they drifted to look towards my direction, emerald green meeting mine. Upon seeing me, her eyes seeming to sparkle as her mood lit up.

"(Y/n)!" She shouted as she practically rushed towards me.

Chuckling, I reply, "Hey Naomi. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Well- I was, until she started bothering me." She said as she started side-eyeing a certain dark haired girl; who was now standing across from us, confusion written all over her face.

Naomi lets out a tired sigh before looking at me again. "Well, I'm gonna get going now. My class is about to start." She informed, "See you later (Y/n)!" Shooting me a smile before sending out a small wave, she starts walking away.

"Bye." I replied, giving her a similar smile.

"What was that about?"

Hearing the voice beside me, I turn to see Drea looking at me with a raised brow.

"What was what about?" I asked, returning the raised brow. If someone were to walk past us, they'd describe the scene to be childish, as both of us were now looking at each other in complete silence, with both of our hands on our hips.

Drea was the one to break the silence first as she lets out a laugh.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew a cute chick."

And with that, I slap her arm.


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