The crows PT 2

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Tina slowly opened the door, she stepped in and the others followed. Lambo had only died 10 minutes ago but flies were already buzzing around his corpse. "Oh my god. Im actually gonna vomit." Lizz muttered as she put her hand over her mouth. "Lizz, its okay. It is a-" Bunnie's voice trailed off as she turned over to Lizz. There was a puddle of vomit on the floor. "Oh god." Adrian uttered as he backed away. It was already obvious that the sight of Lambos repulsive corpse made Lizz sick. "Look guys, i will handle this." Earth jumped into the conversation. "I will handle this. Just take Lizz outside and i will deal with this." Ravenna looked disappointed at most. She wanted to help chop up Lambo too. Earth took a look at Ravenna's disappointed face and said "Ravenna. Stay here, you can help me chop him up!" Ravenna's face lit up as the other four walked out. Ravenna swiftly walked towards Earth and grabbed an axe. This was going to be fun for the both of them!

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