Daniella's Demise.

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"W-WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING ON D-DOING??" Daniella stuttered, she was still stunned over the sandwich and she didn't want Earth to cram more of that disgusting meat down her throat. "I don't mean to crash the party girlypop but the meat you just ate was Lambo." Adrian announced to Daniella as he put some gloves on and pulled out a knife, CHA CHING!! Daniella looked mortified,She wanted to be sick for the second time tonight. Lizz then ran up to the little whore and she shoved Adrian and Earth out of the way, Lizz then proceeded to show Daniella the gorey video of them ruthlessly battering Lambo to his ultimate demise. Daniella let out a scream but Adrian started to dig the knife into her skin, "shut.the.fuck.up" Adrian whispered. At first, everyone was stunned because they were not expecting him to go out of character like that. After all he did really hate the cunt (who wouldn't?) he then violently removed the knife and blood started to drip from Daniella's arm. He then backed away and let Lizz chop off Daniella's ears. Bunnie and Ravenna then jumped in and started to carve lines into Daniella's veins. Daniella wanted to scream, but every time she tried to blood would spill out of her mouth. Ravenna giggled and grabbed the chainsaw, she then slashed open Daniella's head, Killing her instantly. Even though Daniella was dead, Adrian then stepped in and said "Love myself, love yourself, peace." And sliced open Daniella's stomach. Daniella was 100% without a doubt, Dead.

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