Knife,Hammer and Iorn

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Lambo had awoken. At first he thought he had woken up from a dream mostly because of the dingy atmosphere,but, he soon realized that he wasn't in his bed and he started to panic. "Where am i? And why am i chained to a chair??!" Lambo shouted. Bunnie poked her head out from behind the wall and let out a small giggle but she suddenly was jerked backwards. "OUCH!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR!!" Bunnie whined while rubbing her shoulder. She didn't look happy. "Let me deal with the first part of this." Lizz announced, "I will let you all join in shortly." Lizz then walked out from behind the wall. "LIZZ?!" Lambo shrieked "I KNEW IT WAS YOU YOU STUPID CUNT. JUST WAIT UNTIL I GET OUT OF THIS CHAIR. I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" Lizz just laughed and slowly walked towards him. She then pulled a small knife out of her pocket and started by cutting off Lambo's small, chubby fingers one by one. He let out a scream but nobody came to rescue him as he had hoped. Blood was all over the floor and Lambo was crying like a bitchy baby. Bunnie and Earth then ran out and started to slam him with hammers. This shattered his skinny little arms which made sure that he couldn't fight back. He groaned in pain as the three were giggling. Ravenna watched all of this unfold twisted grin on her face. It was like she was planning something. Tina, who was very quiet, just stood back and watched while recording everything on her cellphone.

Lambo screamed in agony as the three continued to torture him. They cut off his ears and his disgustingly fat nose which gravely disfigured his revolting face. Bunnie had burned and melted his fat rolls with hot irons. At this point the room was dripping with his blood and tears and everyone was surprised that Lambo wasn't dead yet. His fat body was trying to pull through but he wasn't going to be alive much longer and that was for a fact..

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