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Singer Johnny Orlando was invited a few days ago in a famous podcast, which was released this morning. Nothing too serious- until the question of if he had a girlfriend came up.
The boy only answered with something people might be upset about!

"There's this girl I liked, she gave me all the signs that she liked me too, she had a song written about me. When I kissed her, she said she was in love with someone else, which seemed weird to me. I texted her multiple times she never replied."

Johnny Orlando then was asked about his friendship with singer and close friend Amelia Roberts, and what he said was quite the surprise.

" You know, I always liked Amelia, I think she's a very talented person, she was a good friend to me but it's funny you ask because she's actually the one I was talking about earlier. She kinda broke my heart, so I don't think we're friends anymore."

Since this morning, Amelia has not replied to any of the things said about her. She is known for sharing about her personal life a little too much- so who knows? She might just come with a good answer to plead her case.


Amelia woke up to her phone blowing up. Calls, texts, tweets, anything scary enough to make her jump out of bed and call Olivia back, to ask what the hell was happening.

" Hey, I'm glad you called back, were you asleep all this time?" Olivia asked, worry in her voice.

" uh, yeah I was it's my day off what's happening?" She asked, scared of the answer she was gonna get considering her phone had gone crazy, she didn't want to see what was happening, she rather asked.

" I don't want you to be upset." Olivia sighed.

" No liv I won't be upset please just tell me I feel like my heart is gonna explode right now."

" Johnny was invited into a podcast, it came out this morning and he said some stuff about you."

" What do you mean some stuff?" Amelia was now super worried as to what he had said that could make her phone blow up.

Olivia sighed, then continued - " he said that you broke his heart, that you gave him signals you liked him only to be in love with someone else, that you weren't friends anymore. He also said you wrote mess it up about him. I'm sorry, Mel."

Amelia's heart dropped. The worst part wasn't that he has lied, that he had claimed that she had written a song meant for Jack- for him or that he had told everyone that she was basically a heart breaking bitch. But that Jack would know she was in love with someone else, and that scared the shit out of her. Would he know it's him? Would he think it's someone else?

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