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Two months had past since the funeral- Amelia was speaking to her brother almost daily, she was content about where she was.

Filming was soon over, and she and her team were starting to plan her next tour- which was more complicated now that she had Jack.

She loved touring, meeting her fans, she always had such a good time. But since she hadn't been away from Jack for months- she knew it would be hard on them when they would. He had to film for Avatar- while she would be touring the world for months.

They had talked about it when they started dating. They both agreed that they would still be here for each other even though they weren't together in person. They loved each other enough for it to work.

It was almost November- which meant Jack's birthday was coming up on the 16th.
They had planned how they were going to announce them dating. They didn't want to do anything too big since most people already knew- but they wanted to be able to not hide and post anything they wanted about each other.

" I have an idea" she told Jack, she was sitting on the kitchen counter while he was desperately trying to cook something- though he was no better than her.

" What is it?"

" What if we announce it on your birthday?"

" Announce what?" He smiled at the girl.

" Jack." She teased.

" I'm serious! It's not a big deal! But yes,I'd love to. Could be cute."

" Could be cute?" She repeated her brows raised at the boy.

" Well, yeah. Cute birthday post for me. I like it." He did one of his many little dances.

" Of course you do, you're so full of yourself!" She laughed heartedly.

" That's not even true! I just like that you think of doing it on my birthday, that's it." He laughed again as he went and stood in between her legs, holding onto her hips.

" Yeah?"


" What should we post?" She asked, putting her arms around his shoulders playing with the back of his hair.

" I don't know. We'll chose the pictures and then you'll write how much you love me and how beautiful I am and how I'm the funniest guy you know."

"Oh really?"

" Or you could just say you love me to the world- no pressure." He shrugged as he smiled sweetly at the girl.

" Right. No pressure." She sighed and groaned putting her head high.

"What is it?" He asked now concerned.

" Nothing. It's just- I'm gonna get so much hate for this."

" Why?" He asked confused.

" Because Jack, you've got 12 year olds in love with you thinking they own you and no girl can come near you. I got hate just for posting you as a friend- so as a boyfriend? They're gonna hate this." She said as she sighed again.

It was a bit stupid to be preoccupied by what some teenagers would say- but she hated being hated. She had already been through it with Johnny- though it was different. And she didn't want it to happen again. Being as self conscious as she was, she knew they would come not only for herself but for the way she looked- sounded- acted. They would do anything to destroy her because that's what people have been doing on the internet for years.

" Hey, look at me." Jack said quietly as she looked back to him.

" It doesn't matter what they say okay? I love you- and I want you. They're just bad people who are jealous and have nothing better to do- you can't listen to them. They suck."

𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬; 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now