Fresh Starts

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"Shit." I say as I fall off the hospital bed. The amount of times I have fallen on my back this week I'm surprised it's not broken. "Are you okay?" Florence asks peeking over the edge of the bed while trying to hold in laughter. "It is not funny," I say trying to be serious but her smile making me crack. We both laugh, I stand up stretching. I look over to the windows it's still dark. I pick up my phone. "It's 2 am," I say showing Flo, my phone. "Can you hand me my phone? Please." She says pointing to her bag. I walk over and get the phone from the bag, handing it to her. She checks her phone while I go to the bathroom. When I get out she's still doing something on her phone.

"What you doing?" I ask sitting next to her on the bed. "Looking at texts from my manager, I have to do an interview as well." I nod. "Shouldn't your interview be before mine?" She looks at me. "I mean because you didn't cheat on him, I know that. But also this would be your first time being with a woman. So I wouldn't want to pressure you, because you might not be ready for everyone to know right away. Especially if we don't know what really is going on between us. So you having yours first would give you some time." She nods taking in my words.

"Thank you. But when is your interview scheduled?" I nod. "I have an interview with Kimmel, well tomorrow. But I can push it back, so you can have yours first. Because I know that'll be the topic most talked about."

"I'll have my manager set one up next week. But I want to see where this goes." She says gesturing to the two of us. I smile at her. "I wanna see where it goes to, Flossie." She smiles at the use of her nickname, before leaning forward to kiss me. It's a short and soft kiss.

"I'm hungry." She says against my lips. I smile and pull away. "What do you want to eat?" She shrugs. I laugh. "Do you want me to pick something up?" She shakes her head. "I just want snacks." She says. "I'll go to the vending machine, ok?" She nods. I stand from the bed putting on my shoes. Heading out to get her some snacks.

I didn't know what she wanted so I got her a couple of things and some water bottles. I get back to the room and see her laying on the bed. I take my shoes off, "Flo?" I whisper she doesn't respond. I put the snacks down on the table. I walk over to the bed and see she's asleep.

I softly get in the bed with her, she snuggles up to me her head resting on my chest. I rub her back before falling asleep myself.


"Shut up." "You shut up." "Both of you shut up." I open my eyes, seeing Scarlett Lizzie, and Anne looking at me and Florence with knowing looks. "All of you shut up," I say before laying my head back down. Florence is still cuddled to my side. I run my right hand through her hair.

My phone starts ringing. Florence stirs in my arms, turning so that her back is now facing me. I unwrap her from my arm grabbing my phone to answer.

I answer the phone standing up and walking out in front of the room. "Hello?" "Hey, kid. I found a place I think you might like." "Okay, I'll check it out later." "Alright talk to you later. Bye." "Bye," I say hanging up. I walk back in the room.

I notice Florence isn't on the bed. "Bathroom," Scarlett says I nod. "So what's going on with you two?" Scarlett questions as I sit at the edge of the bed. I don't really know if we're telling people yet. "Nothing." I lie. "So the position you were in, but nothing happening?" She questions. "Mhm," I say nodding my head.

Florence comes from the bathroom, she walks over to me and stands between my legs, before leaning up to kiss me. "Good morning." She says as she pulls away. "Good morning," I reply.

I turn my head to the others. "Nothing, huh?" Scarlett says with a smirk. I blush. "I didn't know if we were telling people," I respond. Before they can start teasing us the doctor walks in.
Florence is still between my legs but turns around when they come in. I move my hands to set them on her stomach.

Will You Wait? (Florence Pugh x Fem reader) Where stories live. Discover now