Lv 3 The Poly Kids

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This is a little story of Rusty and his partner(s).

So one day, Rusty is just minding his own business going to his locker. But then, he found a little piece of note.

"Rusty, I've been meaning to ask...
Do you like me?
-The Afghan Girl"
That's all it said.

Rusty, knowing that it was Indy wrote the answer at the back page. After he did so, he decided to find Indy's locker and put it in.

2 school period later...

Indy was just be ready for the next class by going to her locker and grab her things. She found the note she made for Rusty.

"Of course. Well... In fact, I actually do have a crush on you since we're 10.
-Love, The Red Boy <3"
That's all it said.

Knowing who it's from, Indy was very happy that he accept it.

At the lunch break...

C: So?

I: He said yes!

The Girls: EEEEEEK!

B: We're so happy for you, girl.

I: Thanks, Bluey.
I really hope we'll be together forever.

H: You two sure will.

C: Shh!
There he comes!

Rusty walks in to the girls.

R: Hey, Indy.

I: Hi, Rusty.
So what's up?

R: Well, since we know that...
*Having a Perception about asking it with the other friends sitting next to her*

I: Oh, don't worry.
They already knew.

R: Oh, okay.
Anyway, since we know that we... each other...
Would you like to... ...grab some burgers someday...?
*In his mind* Damn, that sounded better in my head.

I: Hehehe.

R: Oh, you said yes?
Hehe, cool.

Both of them are smiling at each other.

Welp, that is Indy's side of the story. Now's Jack's.

Rusty is just walking with Mackenzie, talking about the dance that's coming up when Jack walked up to him.

J: H-hey, Rusty.

R: Oh, hey Jack.
Everything's okay?

J: Y-yeah!
It is.
Um... ...Rusty, I...
I wanted to ask you... ...Will you be my dancing partner?

Blushing a lot, Rusty then notice it.

R: Let me think for a bit.
*In his mind*
He ask to go to the dance with him, but man.
Indy is already the one who ask me! I can't disappoint her or even him.
If only we three could dance together...
Oh yeah!
I almost forgot that polyamory is a thing.
I'll just have to tell them both.

While on Jack's mind...

He needs to think about it?
Oh no!
He's not been already taken, is he?
Why would I even ask him to go with me?
Jack, you stupid son of a-

R: Sure!

J: W-what?

R: We could have a dance.
All three of us.

M: See, I told you he's been taken.

Jack then was happy about it, though he have to give 5AU$ to Kenzie because he won the bet about Rusty being taken or not.

Rusty gets to meet up with Indy and explain a thing.

R: So...
Jack ask me of he could go on a dance with me.

I: And, what did you say?

R: Well, I was thinking about it, thinking that I might disappoint one of you.

I: Oh.

R: But then, I just remember that polyamory is a thing too.

I: So, you take both of us to the dance?

R: Well... ...yeah, if you don't mind...

Indy then said: Sure.
I don't mind.

Rusty stare at Indy with a happy glare.

R: Thanks, Indy.

4 days later...

All three of them we're in the dance.

The story of Teenage Bluey continues.

H: So...
Do you think Mackenzie will like to uh...
Dance with me?

B: I'm sure he will.

H: Okay, time to ask him.

Honey goes and ask out Mackenzie. And turns out, he does.

W: Welp, guess it's just us who's single.

Lucky then walk up to them.

L: Hey, Winnie. Would you like to dance with me?

W: Oh, sure.
Sorry Bluey.

B: It's okay, just go.

Lucky and Winnie then dance.

Bluey decided to go out for fresh air, or is it?

At Jean-Luc's new house...

JL's Dad: (Thanks for helping us, Jean-Luc. Too bad you can't go to the dance).

JL: (It's okay papa. As I said earlier, no one's on to me).

B: Hey Johnny.

JL: Bluey?
What are you doing here?
Aren't you suppose to be on the dance right now?

B: Well, yeah.
But I don't think anyone is interested in me.

JL: Same, so that's why I didn't come.


Both of them at the same time: Bluey/Johnny-
Okay, you go first.
You go first.
Please, I insist.

B: Okay, I'll go first.

JL: Yeah?

B: As you were my old camping friend, I wanted to ask you something.

JL: Yeah?

Bluey offer a holding hand to Jean-Luc.

B: Will you dance with me?

This leaves Johnny- I-I-I mean Jean-Luc blushing, but then answer her.

JL: Y-yes, I would love to dance with you.

So then both of them are dancing. Pretty obvious, innit? And when they ended the dance, they were about to kiss each other's li-

JL's Dad: (Hey Jean-Luc. What do you think about maple syrup for the drink)?

Right after they heard Jean-Luc's Dad's voice and start to opening the door, they both quit holding each other and separate themselves.

JL's Dad: (Hey, is everything alright)?

He notice that Bluey is in the room too.

JL's Dad: A, so you two were about to do "the ritua-"


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