Lv 7 Doors

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Female: LEFT!

Male: RIGHT!

Male: DUCK! - DUCK!





Lucky after goes through the door: GO GO GO GO GO!!!

Bluey's carrying Jean-Luc on her back and Mackenzie got through. Lucky then shut the door, leaving Chase banging the door.

M: Phew! That was close.

BCH: Yeah, but let's just try to get outta here.

They search the room for a key. Bluey went to the South-East room, finding 10G and a bandage. Jean-Luc went to the North-West room and found a flashlight and a picklock. Lucky went to the South-West room, just for him to meet 50G. Mackenzie went to North-East room, just to meet Tommy (-10% HP) but other than that, he also found 2 bandages and found the key.

M: I found the key!

Mackenzie unlock the door. They went to the next room. They found themselves in the next dark room, not knowing which next door is the real one.

JL: If I could get it correctly, the next door is probably on the-


JL: A.

He was greet by Scream.

JL: As I was saying, the correct door is on the right

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JL: As I was saying, the correct door is on the right.

They open the door with no problem. As they went to the next room, the light flickers.

L: Uh oh. Quick, hide!

Lucky and Mackenzie hide in different closets, while Bluey and Jean-Luc hide under the bed together. They saw a flash of a yellow and red light. It was Snare! They then repeatedly go out and hide to be safe from them. And then, they go away.

JL: Guys, I've got a flashlight. Follow me.

When they entered the next room, it was dark. It's hard for them to see.

M: Wait, I got a lighter.

They got through till door 49.

BCH: Okay guys, prepare for the worst.

As Bluey open the 50th door, they saw the Physique being, running through the hall.

JL: I'll go get the note. You guys look for the books.

Bluey and the other scattered for books. Jean-Luc found a note saying circle, square, triangle, hexagon and star. Bluey found books with star 8 and circle 2. Mackenzie found octagon 4 and pentagon 1 (nothing useful). Lucky found square 5 and hexagon 7.

JL: We only need one more.

BCH: Help!

Bluey was stuck in the closet, with the Physique standing in front of it. She barely could keep up the heart beat. Lucky then run nears the Physique and they followed him. Bluey got out of the closet and found the last book (triangle 3).

BCH: Johnny, I found the last book!

All they have to do is to open the door.

He entered 23578. It worked!

M: Lucky, the door is opened!

L: Coming!

As he tries to go back, the Physique was faster than him. But then, he remember the vitamin he got from the begining. Lucky consume some vitamins. His speed increases. He ran to his friends and then shut the door immediately.



??: Kids, can you lower it down for a bit?

BCH: Sorry dad!

Chloe: Wow, you defeat door 50?

Bluey: Yep! You wanna play sometime?

Chloe: Sure!

Bluey: Okay, I'll give you some Rob-Coins Incase you die.


Chucky was minding his business preparing for the sports period. But as he close his locker...

???: Hey there.

Chucky: Huh?


As he open his eyes, it was Lila.

Lila: So, you're the one who helped her boyfriend, ey?

Chucky: Listen mate. I'm just doing it not only for being on the good side, but also for the money. I needed to buy a new PC.

Lila: And what gives to make you do so?

Chucky: Didn't I just tell you?

Lila: ...

She let go of him, and said: Alright, you've convince me enough.

Chucky: So, why did you do that?

Lila: I mean, why not?

Chucky: ???

Lila: Anyway, thanks for keeping them safe. I even hear that he was a little bit weaker than his gf. As a reward, would you come to my house by tomorrow at 5PM?

Chucky: Why?

Lila: It's a surprise ;)

Chucky's mind: Hang on, is she asking me for a date? Or maybe she's just asking me for a hang out? Well, who knows?

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