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TW: aggressive and foul language, abusive behaviour, references to Self-harm, suicidal thought, suicide

A/N: sorry for how long this took, life sucks rn and I'm stuck at my dad's house cause of his drinking issues so he doesn't khs

Y/N's POV:

Here we are, the airport, with my best friend, who seemed to be struggling to calm himself down, as he was going to not see me for a while, as he wasn't able to get on the plane too, and I was the one helping him with his mental health, before I got a sick feeling in my stomach. "Fuck it. Youre coming with me, I don't give a fuck how, but you are." I say, before dragging him on that plane with me.

"Y/N, this really isn't necessary, you dont have to-" I cut him off "Y/BSF/N, there's no way I'm leaving you alone, I made that promise a long time ago, I intend to keep it" I retort, dragging him on with me, Security trying to stop me but I shoved past them. "Oh, you're fucking kidding me, you again?!" The same girl from that night groans out of frustration. "Wait.. wait.. I recognise you, and that night I was drunk as fuck, so don't blame me, blame the alcohol." I say, before fidgeting with my rings on my hands. "Uhm... Y/N, your arms are showing, didn't you say you didn't want anyone to see them today?" My best friend blurts out, making the girl from that night have a quick look back at me, realising what it was, so she kept her mouth shut. "Right, thanks for letting me know, if anyone saw them, I'd be fucking screwed." I chuckle quietly, hoping nobody batted an eye to my arms.

Jenna's POV:

I notice large scars on Y/N's arms, making me shut up before I even said anything, actually a bit worried now, I couldn't just say something about it immediately, I mean, she's a bitch, atleast I only have to deal with her for.. shit. 8 months, starting now, so technically 9... this is gonna take a while to get used to.

Later, I saw Y/N and her friend saying their goodbyes to one another, and she dropped him off at her hotel room, of course I was the one who had to wait for her, as I was apparently more mature, but she's 21! But who cares, its not like she'll say anything on the way downstairs.

"So, about that night, why were you so pissed?" She blurted out, making me surprised that she spoke. "You actually speak? Hm, learn something new everyday, anyway, it's not of your business, and this may be sudden, but why don't you show your arms?" I say, realising I just asked the most offensive thing I could to her, or so I thought. "Self-harm, why?" She answers honestly, not even caring. "Oh and, tell anyone and I'll tell them about how much of an ass you are." She says, with a dark chuckle, before walking into the elevator.

"Right, anyway, I might as well tell you why I was so pissed, I got cheated on that night." I explain, making her pat my back. "Don't worry, I know the feeling, sucks, don't it?" She chuckles, making me feel a ever-growing anger in my stomach. "Oh shut up." I growl lowly. "Mkay', Jenna." She says calmly, before we left the escalator, and had to sit with eachother in the car too, which was hell.

Emma's POV:

At this point Y/N and Jenna are actually talking, not about negatives, about enemies, childish but demonic, I know.

"And I was like, 'boy if you don't get your ass away from my best friend I'm gonna beat your ass.' And believe me, he shat himself" Y/N proudly says, and the two ranted on about how theyve hit their enemies before, these two worry me sometimes.

We got to the set, before getting into the outfits, before all the drama. And then I heard yelling and screaming, and crying?

Y/N's POV:

I just found something so fucked up, Y/BSF/N just sent a picture of a noose in the attic, but he didn't answer his phone when I called, so I nipped back to see if he was alright, but he's not. He's the opposite, dead. When I got back to set, I wrecked my trailer, screaming and crying, I found my best friend dead 20 minutes before.

All I heard was someone in my trailer, Jenna, making me growl lowly as I wanted her out, I wanted to be alone. "Jenna, fuck off." I say, before hearing all the broken stuff being cleaned up. "Not just me here, Y/N, Emma and Gwen are here too." She calls out, helping clean my mess, as I continued to break down, I was a fucking mess. Before I called my best friend's wife. "Hate to have to tell you this, Claire, but hes gone."

(Time skip)

Jenna's POV:

Here we all are, cleaning a literal bloodbath, and Y/N is pacing like fucking mad, I don't even know what to do or say, but during all of my thinking, she decides to drag me out of her trailer.

"I don't know what you have against me, but for the mean time, if you could like- calm it down, for now, then that'd be fucking great, okay, Ortega?" She hisses at me, what. the. fuck. But I can't snap right now otherwise im gonna get classed as the bad guy. "Okay." Is all I come out with. "Okay?" She repeats, clearly confused. "Okay, I'll cut the tension." I confirm, before hugging her gently, and now my shirt is getting wet, but I don't care right now, Y/N needs to let it out, without violence, so if that means im not gonna have a dry shirt, so be it, she can cry into my shirt if she wants.

Y/N's POV:

"Thanks... really am sorry about your shirt by the way, that's two shirts I've wrecked." I chuckle gently, before patting her shoulder, and then walking towards my trailer, and helping the whole cast clean up my mess. This is gonna take a while.


Who likes this garbage of mineee😊 and DAUYM THEY WERE ORIGINALLY ENEMIES AND NOW HALF GOOD HALF BADDD. but sorry for the emotional chapter RIGHT off the bat ^^ (I'm literally British so if u dk what right off the bat means it means without warning and immediately)

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