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TW: none >:3


Once we were all finished helping tidy the trailer, y/n walks over, and thanks each and everyone of us, doing a side hug for everyone but me.

She hugged me, and I mean, properly hugged me.

"Thank you, Jenna." She sighs, and takes a while to move from my arms, her head tucked into my neck.

"It's fine.." I whisper, before she lets go, and immediantly runs out to a different trailer- mine?


I rush to Jenna's trailer, and immediantly steal a hoodie, specifically, the one on her couch in her trailer, and as soon as she rushes in to find me, she sees me putting it on, somehow it's big on me but normal size on her.

"You're short." She smirks, making me punch her arm, "Nuh uh!" "Uh uh!"

We're like children at this point, but then Emma walks in, and I stand there, clearly embarrassed, as I put the hood up, and hide my face in Jenna's neck.

A/N !

Been really unmotivated so like... here's this short one :3 and plus I'm gonna be getting a job soon so... CYA WHEN I NEXT DO-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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