Rooms. And Doors.

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Quick Disclaimer before I introduce my demonic spirit it is part of its name is from a movie called 'Dante's Inferno'!

Thanks babes!


As I walked down the hall we wondered past these enormous doors, I was tall and I could barely reach the handles myself, its not my fault this house has door handles so low they were halfway down my lanky thighs. I past a door with a handle at a reasonable height and I opened the door and walked in, OMG this room was beautiful the windows were large and they followed the wall the whole way along. It had the most beautiful view of the city lights in the distance, but close up all you could see was shit, shit and Clare and Johnny? OMG, moms gonna kill me for letting them out of my sight. I sprinted down the stairs past Mom and out the front door. She yelled after me and I totally ignored she couldn't find out that I let them little monsters loose. I found them in the front yard jumping around in the bushes with a piece of glass as I got closer I noticed it wasn't glass it was in fact a mirror.

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