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Astoria ran to her best friends house with the fox right at her side. She frantically banged on the front door, but there was no answer. She waited for a few minutes before knocking again. Still no answer. She peeked through the windows, but didn't see anyone there. So instead of wasting her time waiting for Nerilyn to show up, she tried searching near S.H.E.D.

The fox pounced after her as large snow flakes started to fall. He made a happy chirping sound and Astoria chuckled, holding her hand out to catch snowflakes. It's not even that cold for it being the end of November. She thought as a snowflake landed on her nose. She giggled and with her arms out and her head back, she spun in a circle once. The fox nipped at her ankles lightly, telling her they needed to keep moving. They could feel something was off in the air, something that was a threat to him and Astoria's kind.

"Alright. Alright. I'm moving." Astoria huffed and moved in the direction of S.H.E.D. The fox pounced next to her, keeping pace when Astoria looked down to her new companion. "Do you have a name?"

The red fox gakked and shook his head, an indication of no.

"Hmmmm....what should I name you?" Astoria thought aloud, tapping her finger to her chin. "What aaaboouut...Fire?"

He gakked again.


Same answer.


Again, the fox gakked with disgust.

"Okay, okay. No fire names. Got it." Astoria chuckled as she rolled her eyes. She thought again with a continuous hum. "Rusty? Ooooo! No! Mars!"

The fox glared at her, shaking his head with a huff. He flicked his tail in irritation and that seemed to give Astoria an idea. "Flick! Your name is Flick!"

Flick tilted his head to the side and yipped in acceptance. That name suited him well, considering his irritation and anger issues towards those who may harm Astoria. Especially the boy that claimed he was human. She remembered him acting very protective over her and the boy had saved them.

Astoria ruffled his head fur, scratched behind his ear, and started walking again as she giggled at the fox she named Flick. She heard crunching snow as he pounced after her. She looked back for a second and smiled, noticing the snow come down a little harder. Flick was getting caught up in small snow drifts and he poked his head out of one. Astoria laughed when snow stayed in Flick's fur when he managed to get out. He pounced after her as they went further into the forest.

"We're almost there, Flick. Let's pick up the pace." Astoria said.

Flick chirped and jumped into the powerless witches arms. She rolled her eyes, shook her head and stared at the red fox with a sarcastic look. He nuzzled her lovingly and settled into her arms.

"Fine, I'll carry you the rest of the way. I can see the building from here anyway."


Astoria stood at the S.H.E.D. doors, scared to go inside. She'd never been in their facility before and she didn't know what to expect. She sharply inhaled and pounded on the door, hoping they heard her. Flick crawled up to her shoulders and perched there, so he could have better view. Astoria picked at her cuticles, anxiously awaiting an answer, but no one came to the door. She tried again, harder this time.

Finally, someone answered and it was a young healing witch that she went to school with. She was a couple years younger than Astoria and Nerilyn, but a damn good healer. The girl's black bob framed her face well and her green eyes sucked anyone in who looked at her too long. Her olive skin complimented her dark hair and bright eyes and her frame was short and a little stout, but it suited her well. "What can we do for you?" She asked.

The Moon Phase Trilogy | Powerless | Book Two | ORIGINALWhere stories live. Discover now