ᴄᴇʟᴇʙʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴs & ᴛʀᴀɢᴇᴅʏ

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The Pogues had made it to South America, and ventured the streets looking around for a man named José who could take them to the dig site.

"Should we split up, cover more ground?" Sarah asked, and the Pogues agreed. Pope and Cleo, Sarah and John B, and Sage and Jacob all parted ways, asking around for José.

"Excuse me, José. Do you know anyone names José?" Sage asked a local, who just brushed her off with the shake of his head.

The sound of a horn rapidly honking caught Sage's attention, and she saw the all too familiar Jeeps of Singhs men approaching.

"Hey, run!" Pope called out to Sage, and she didn't hesitate to run. She followed behind Pope, turning down an alleyway.

"Como estas, amigos." JJ joked, holding his hand out. Pope smacked it, looking at him confused.

"What the fuck?" Pope questioned.

"We gotta go, we gotta run!" Cleo said, ducking behind the bus JJ and Kiara were aboard.

"You gotta be kidding me." JJ scoffed.

"Already? We just got here." Kiara whined, climbing off the bus. "What is going on?" Kie asked.

"Singh's men are right behind us." Pope explained.

"Uh, Jacob? Sup dude." JJ said, giving him a high five.

"Hi, I- y'all make a habit of running for your lives all the time?" Jacob asked, hunching over trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah, apparently so." Pope sighed. "We need to think of a plan, ASAP." Pope said, looking around.

"Why don't we hijack this bus?" JJ asked.

"This bus? The bus that only goes 10 miles an hour?" Kie questioned.

"I'm just spitballing, Kie, okay?" JJ rolled his eyes.

"You know you don't have to spitball." Sage said. The screeching of tires caught their attention, and they all panicked.

"Fruit stand, duck!" Cleo said, pushing everyone towards the fruit stand. They all ducked behind it, and watched as Singh's men looked around for them.

One of the men asked the bus driver if he had seen any teenagers run passed, and the bus driver had pointed him in the opposite direction of them. Sage took a breath of relief, before standing up.

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