2| Accident

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After coach talk with Taeyeon we started our exercise first, and after that we started to practice. while playing I glanced at the other side and saw her helping her friends. I don't know what's with me whenever she's around me, I always found myself staring at her. " Baekhyun focus on the game instead of them!" Couch shouted making me come back from my thoughts. Wait it means  he saw me staring at her. Aishhh! I just nodded and focus on the game.

After some time we all took a break while we were drinking water we heard some laughing noise. we all looked their and saw Taeyeon and her group are laughing at something or should I say Irene because of her looks. Not after a min Irene started to hit Taeyeon. I was again staring at her. ' C'mon baek she has a boyfriend and you  have a girlfriend too so stop staring  her.' I was still looking at her when she looked up at me and that's when we made eye contact. Aish why I'm having strange feelings. I didn't wait for a min and looked away.
" What happened Hyung ?" Sehun asked me. " Ahh... Nothing." I replied.
" Boys you did great today. After taking some break you should go back home. I have some urgent work so I'm going. Bye." Coach said and left for his work.

We were still sitting when I saw Irene dragging Taeyeon toward us. I saw Suho also looking at them and then me but I just shrugged it of.

" Um hi guys." Irene said and Taeyeon just rolled her eyes okay something is wrong because I can feel it. " Hi noona. need any help?" Kai asked. " Actually yes! Is your offer still on."
" Which offer?" Suho asked while standing.

" Actually the one who were supposed to change the direction of the board are not here and they are not picking up our call... Ummm...... so I was thinking that if  you all are free so can u help us?" Irene asked . Nobody said anything. To be honest we all were very tired.

" Yah Irene! Stop it can't you see they are already tired and they still have to play. We can change its place tomorrow." Taeyeon said. " But what if they didn't come tomorrow too. Then what are we suppose to do." Irene replied back. " I don't know.... If they will not come then we will change its place ourselves. Right now let's go." With that she left. Like what the f**k she didn't even hear our answer and just left. ' Ignore her Baekhyun and just focus on the practice and for tomorrow's game'.

" I think we should help them. I mean our practice is almost finished. Right Hyung." Chanyeol asked. " When they doesn't want our help then why are you willing to." I asked.

" They needed our help they just saw that we are tired that's why she said that otherwise she is not like that. And about practice everybody knows that tomorrow we are going to win as our competitors are not that good." Tao replied while defending her.

" Okay if you guys want go  then go and help them." I said while sitting back on my seat. " What's wrong with you baek you were not like this a few mins ago." Suho asked but I didn't replied. " You don't want to come then?" Lay asked me, which I again ignored. " Fine! As you wish Mr. Baek"

Okay well I hate my friends. Like I ignored them and here I'm sitting at the same place looking at my friends talking with the girls probably telling them that they will help them at which the girls flashed smile at them. They went to the board and started to change its direction even the girls helped them. Well it is quite heavy. After trying few tries they stopped they didn't even started and they are tired. The boys looked at me and I quickly looked away I know they wanted me to come with them . ' pftt where is her team?' a thought came to my mind.

I didn't looked back and started to play with the ball. When I heard some footsteps coming towards me. " I'm not coming to help you guys." I told them without even looking up.

" Didn't you told me to change its direction ?" Okay this voice doesn't belongs to my friend. I know this voice. Cuz it was Taeyeon who was standing infront of me. I looked at her with an annoyed look.

" Do you want the board on the other side or not?" She asked me and I just nodded while standing from my place.   " Then help us coz you know that thing is very heavy." She replied. " Only by me will not make the board move. I'm not that strong." I replied.

" Our team is also helping just help us." She begged this time. " Why don't you go and ask your boyfriend for help huh!" I said and smirk appeared on her face.

" You know what thanks for the idea. You can rest now I'm going to ask my bf for  the help. Bye." And with that she started to walk away and I cursed myself under the breath. I don't know what I was thinking when I grabbed her wrist. Okay this is my first time touching her and her wrist is so small compared to my hands. Pftt.

At first she got shocked but then she turned around with a question look on her face. " Let's go" I said while going to the others. I was still holding her wrist. She stopped, I turned around and she pointed toward our hands which were still together. I quickly leave them.         

" Didn't you were saying that you don't want to help. Then what's the reason for changing the mind huh?" She asked while folding her arms on her chest. Okay well she has a point but I also don't have the answer. " Just let's go. I don't have time."

We went where the others were. All boys looked at me with first a shocking look and then teasing and smirk look. Okay what the f***k does that means. I just shoot a glare at them. We all twelve boys and some from her team hold the board which was very heavy and started to drag it to the other direction.

Finally we did it. " Oh my god! Thank you so much you all." Irene said while clapping her hands. " No problem " Suho  replied back. " C'mon boys lets go. Bye Irene bye Taeyeon." Suho said and we all went behind him. I was passing by Taeyeon when suddenly I felt someone pushed me which caused me and Taeyeon to fall on the ground. Me on the floor and her on top of me.

And holy f**k we kissed. AHHH WE KISSED. Both of our eyes got widened and Taeyeon quickly pulled away and got up .I also got up. All our friends were now again standing infront of us. Without even saying anything she left while dragging Irene. " Who the f***k  pushed me?" I asked my friends while looking around the garden but there was no one except for us.

" Bro you were in the last how would we know?" Kris replied at which I just sighed. " Btw how was the kiss bacon darling?" Chanyeol asked at which my other friends laughed and I just glared him. Jeez these friends are literally idiot. after changing our clothes we went back to our house.


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