2:15 Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About Myself

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Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About Myself
Part 2

Life Was So Much Easier When I Only Cared About MyselfPart 2————

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"Yeah, see, it turns out that's just a guideline. Kind of like driving a car or smoking cigarettes. Nobody wants you to do it before you're old enough, but you can." Josie explained rather quickly, not bothering to hear any of your responses. "So. I'll see you three tonight? Finger foods at around seven thirty-ish and then the Merge at eight." Josie stated the times of what was happening tonight.

Josie then looked at you and Hope before back to Lizzie. "Oh, and don't be late, Lizzie, or else I will have to do something drastic." Josie explained, threatening her twin before smirking and walking away.

Lizzie looked over at you and Hope who also looked at her. You were more worried than Hope since you and Lizzie had gotten close ever since she was the only one who actually remembered you, besides Hope. Lizzie was the only one who actually decided to spend her time with you, besides Hope.


Lizzie had dragged you and Hope to her room, on the way she had also grabbed MG. Once you were all in there she shut the door and went straight to her drawer. You and Hope walked up to her, on opposite sides. "I thought you wanted to help." Hope commented as she watched Lizzie open the drawer.

"That was before I knew that Josie wanted to merge," She started, grabbing a few clothes before shutting the drawer compartment and walking to her bed. "aka force a battle of wills where the winner literally absorbs the loser... meaning me." She sadly stated, closing her suit case.

Lizzie then started zipping up the suit case. "Please, just hear them out. Because we can't help Jo without you." MG tried convincing the blonde. This caused her to stop what she was doing and let out a sigh, turning around to face the three of you.

Shen the crossed her arms over her chest. "Five minutes, Mikaelson, you too Lockwood." Lizzie said, listening to MG. "And this plan of yours had better include a nuclear warhead." Lizzie stated before you both could start, sitting down on her bed couch.

You sucked in a breathe. "We're making a potion-"

"Oh! Fizzy, refreshing. Not a nuke." Lizzie commented, she was really hoping for a nuclear bomb.

You let out a frustrated sigh, letting your head fall into your hands. "Lizzie? Please." Hope stated calmly.

Lizzie closed her eyes, calming down. "Okay. Tell me about this potion." She stated, wanting to know now.

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