Thou Art A Ravishing Beauty

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People say she's beautiful
Whenever they find her useful
But if they don't, they treat her as nothing
Though she deserves everything

The people today,they judge so easily
They judge without seeing one's beauty
What is even the importance of physical flawlessness
When inside, one is rotten and dishonest

Being judged brings down her self-confidence
Now her heart is in fragments
Her belief in herself becomes teensy
That's why she bows her head and act so shyly

"Stop" she says. "Just please stop."
Your words are just words but they can kill
Your words can make her give up
Give up on trying and be forever ill

People says she's beautiful
Yes, she is, without a question
From the inside to her soul,
She is a ravishing beauty, and she doesn't need to please nobody.

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