1 - New friends

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The whole journey took much longer than anyone could have anticipated. The key that professor's wife Miriam sent was in fact a portkey that led to ruins somewhere in Scottish Highlands. Perhaps it was not the best time in the world, but Kathryn enjoyed every last bit of it. Of the scenery. The view was spectacular, despite the fiery escape, she could not be more glad to end up here. Where the mother nature was the true magician. A massive waterfall hanging right above their heads. Further the girl looked – all that was visible to the eye was a wild crashing sea and calmly siting mountains. Adding another wish to her list, to someday live in this exact place. Perfect, she thought to herself– the further from people, the better. Walking the tiny path provided, Kathryn and her mentor Fig reached the main ruins and searched it up and down. It appeared that the ruins held a magically sealed passageway to Gringots wizarding bank that only the girl could open. Neither one of them could have thought that the portkey belonged to a vault. Matters turn for the worse when a goblin locks the adventurers inside the rusty vault. With no further explanation or instructions, they were wished some luck. Professor took this time as an opportunity to teach his companion revelio spell. Hoping that her unordinary abilities would help them get out. And in fact, it did.

"Professor" Kathryn called while examining the strange rune symbol on wall. "There it is again, that glow..." with a slight touch of her fingertips the glowing rune turns to beautifully carved doors. As it was their only way out, the two of them went straight ahead into dangerous and unfamiliar grounds. Keeping it short, let us just say that the further they went down the more fighting and dodging they had to do. Giant rock soldiers, unpleasant appearance from Ranrok and well yet another secret passageway out of there. Just perfectly lucky escape for them. There are just so many mysteries that one's head can endure. For the girl, that was already too much. And at the moment she wanted to concentrate on more important things.

Picking up their pace they emerge from forest just to welcome yet another once in a lifetime view. School for all types of witches and wizards, divine castle – Hogwarts. It was set upon huge rocks right above the Black Lake. From the first glance she took, Kathryn thought that her new school was floating in the middle of air. Nothing felt real to her. She kept pinching herself in the leg just to check if she was not in fact asleep. Shortly after they arrive, professor Fig leans closer to the doors, contemplating whether they were too late. Creating a gap between the door he pushes his head inside and not a second after recoils from it cursing under his breath. Only being able to cast a more proper wardrobe change for Kathryn before those massive doors open again – they were greeted by no other than the current headmaster of Hogwarts, Phineas Nigellus Black.

 With the little backstory Kathryn knew of him from professor's stories – apparently, Black only accepted the role as a headmaster because of the prestige that comes with it. What a role model- the girl thought.

"Fig, nice of you to join us." Mr. Black says with a blank face, his eyes never landing on girl. "The sorting ceremony is over."

"There were... complications." Professor shuffles under his feet uncomfortably. Clearly bothered by the unpleasant exchange.

"Complications?" The headmaster didn't even bother to look interested in the topic. How predictable. 

"Uh yes... it seems the goblin problem was..." Black groins annoyed not even allowing Professor to finish. "Enough. Goblins..." he scoffs dramatically "I have no time for rumors, Fig. And I am rapidly losing any patience I had left."  Mr. Black turns to Kathryn still slightly glaring "You there. Speak up."

"I'm Kathryn Swan sir." She looks the man straight into eyes with confidence. Even though she felt uncomfortable to the core, the girl wasn't going to show any weakness.

"Consider yourself lucky miss Swan, we might still be able to get you sorted this evening." Without any other word or glance, he pushes open the massive wooden doors and leads the way. Managing a small wave to professor before she follows the path that is being laid out for her. Attending the sorting ceremony was making the orphan girl question everything she thought she knew about the world. For a second there she wondered, how could she - an ordinary person, be involved in such an unpredictable and magical world? And most importantly, where was it hiding all along when she was crying for a sliver of hope. Only now, as it was somehow convenient for someone to have her here.

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