Long Weekend

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So yesterday I urgently went to the office cause Kyungsoo is mad because I left without him noticed.

AAAAHH! This is stressful!

What will be my new plan for this company.

The secretary called me at the meeting.

Kyungsoo- I gathered you here..

Here we go again with the team plan.

By the way, our company was in charge of the Hotel made by the family of Kyungsoo.

Lay, is the head of this company and the newly owner of his grandfather's Hotel.

Kyungsoo- We need to do something to make our customers welcome. Any ideas?

Here we go again.






Kyungsoo- Ms Cho, please share us your "Renewed" idea.

I knew he will call me. >.>

"Ahm, how about to have like a welcome dance? Like the employee of the hotel will dance to give them a warm welcome."

He stared at me for 2 minutes.

Oh c'mon! Agree already its good

Kyungsoo- Thats good! We just need to hire a choreographer to teach the employee to have a welcome dance! With a flower necklace of course. To make the customer feel like its summer.

Phew! Finally he agreed.

So we're dismissed to our meeting. As soon I left the door,

Kyungsoo- Beth..


Why did he call me Beth?

Its just the two of us left at the room.

And then he come closer to me. He stared right at me eyes. Why am I blushing? Shit!

"Sir! Ah!"

I was already at the corner but he was still coming closer to me.

He moved his face near me like it was only 3cm distance from my face to his.

I closed my eyes and cover my lips. Oh ghad why is he like this?!

Kyungsoo- Take a long weekend. You seem stress.

He patted my head and left the meeting room.

Oh God! It thought he was going to kiss me!


So I went to my apartment. Take a warm bath. And some music to relax my self. Ahh~ this is the life!

Ring! Ring!

Yoboseo, Beth speaking!



I quickly get up in the tub, get dressed, and open the door.

Family- BETHIEE!

Umma! Appa! Oppa!

My family came! With my two elder brothers Baekhyun and Kai.

Baekhyun works as a producer and singer. And Kai works as a Dance instructor.

"Glad you all came!"

Appa- Yeah! We want to spend your long weekend with us!

"Ha? How do you know?"

Baekhyun- Your Executive lovie told us


Since I was promoted as Kyungsoo's Assistant Executive, they all thought he's my boyfriend cause he got close to my family.

Kai- Hey Dongsaeng! Guess what we're going on a trip tomorrow

"Beach? Tell me we're going to the beach."

Umma- No! That's ridiculous!

Appa- We're going to a resort tomorrow!

Baekhyun- And! We prepared your things already!


Kai- Duplicate keys to your apartment of course! We just went to the market to buy food for tomorrow!

"Alright! Lets eat dinner!"

We ate dinner, of course there's full of laughter!

I havent seen them for 7 months since I moved here to my apartment. Its the nearest place to the office.

We're going to sleep for tomorrow.

Hmm. I feel something going to happen wrong tomorrow..

I hope not.

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