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At main mansion

Kinn was fuming in anger , drinking since night after recklessly throwing Porsche out of his house . He trusted Porsche and loved him with all that he had , but he was just like tawan , a gold digger , who couldn't be satisfied with one. Slut . Kinn destroyed every single thing in his room in his raging anger. He couldn't tolerate even the blood of the innocent Porsche that dropped on the sheets and everywhere in the room due to the beating and rape and wasn't even guilty a little to torture and abuse his love like that. He was considering himself as a hero , for not killing porsche like tawan. He was just thinking about himself and his heartbreak . He didn't even just tried to find out the truth for once, or trust his lover once . Kinn made an unrealisably , unforgivable mistake of which he was still unaware. According to him , tankhun , big and Ken and some of the bodyguards if the main family, kinn was the one who was right and he treated Porsche correctly after knowing the truth . Tankhun still was concerned as Porsche was pregnant but stupid man wasn't even revealing the truth. He was just confused if Porsche was carrying the heir of the therapanyakuls or that man he was found sleeping with.

Tankhun kept throwing tantrums in his room causing problems for arm and pol . Kinn kept drinking and breaking things . After destroying every thing in his room, he asked big to get rid of every single bit of a thing in his room which belonged to Porsche from pin to piano. He didn't even want to inhale the fragrance of Porsche which smelled like sweet vanilla , which once used to calm him down . Kim was consoling Chay who could without any bother believe his brother was such a slut . Chay didn't even dare to realize, how Porsche is , how much he sacrificed , what he did just for his lil Chay. Chay had done a mistake , bigger than kinn and tankhun,  which would never ever be forgotten or forgiven by Porsche.

The next morning while Porsche was on his way to korea , khun Korn came back to the mansion . He was still unaware of the storm that drifted apart the leaders . As he came back and asked for his children, p'chan informed about the incidence that happened last night . The file carrying the fake pictures of Porsche sleeping with the other guy was brought in sight of khun Korn.  He acted as if he wasn't ready to believe that his beloved nephew , Porsche could do that. Khun Korn asked about the full details of the last night and whereabouts of Porsche.  He was being informed that kinn hasn't listened to the boy even for once . He abused him and threw him out of the house . Vegas and Pete dropped him to a clinic and left . He asked p'chan to verify these pictures and find the evidences , whether for or against, as soon as possible. 

Khun Korn was fully aware about the attacks on Porsche and the agitation and fire of revenge blooming in Italians.  He was aware that kinn had made a mistake.

He was still very calm . Just like while playing chess , to win , there must be a strategy , he was thinking about the strategies which were being used against the therapanyakuls , to bring them down . Khun Korn was not as stupid as his son to believe some random evidence , after knowing that how desperately someone was wanting to bring the most powerful clan down . He was sure it was the Italians as for the first time, the husband of late leader of the Italian clan showed up in the meeting, where khun Korn was also present last night . By the way he spoke and looked fiercely at him, it wasn't difficult for Korn to understand his intentions . He was about to discuss it with kinn and porsche, but he was too late . Kinn has already put his leg knowingly in the pothole due his so called anger and rapid reacting issues . Now he has to do something. 

" Chan, ask Vegas to meet me asap" - Korn
" khab " - Chan

After a while , Vegas walks in the room . His eyes were cold as before . Korn could judge , without any words , the old Vegas is back.

" swadee khub , uncle "- Vegas
"Swadee , please have a seat..., what would you like to take "- Korn
" nothing , you called me ?, anything that urgent ? " -Vegas
" what happened last night ?"-k
"As if you don't know and called me to narrate the whole story " -v
"I know , but do you believe the evidences or Porsche?" -k

Khun Korn believed Porsche more than the evidences somewhere deep down in his heart . But he wanted  to ask Vegas who dropped him to the clinic.  Vegas was much more smarter than kinn , he was just not recognized by anyone till now. He wanted Vegas to help him search the real culprits and know the whereabouts of Porsche. 

" Porsche " Vegas replied without thinking for a second. 
" find the culprits " -k

Vegas was stunned by his uncle's reply . Find the culprits? He believed Porsche.  Vegas didn't admire khun Korn ever. He was the reason his father died . But today , this man , who always loves to play with people and their minds , has without any hidden agendas , believed Porsche and asked him to find the culprits.  At least someone was sane in the main family.  But it was stupidity to believe Korn.

Vegas had already started to investigate the matter by his own ways . ( you know😏)

" ask Tankhun to meet me right now " - ordered khun Korn. 

Khun Korn never expected tankhun to react like that. He knew how insane he was , how much he loved his brothers , but this time , he was way to wrong . How could he do this to Porsche when he knew he was pregnant.  Yes khun Korn got to know , Porsche was pregnant. He was so angry , he had his hier in Porsche's womb . If anything happened to his hier , he would knock the world down . 

( kinn your father is better updated than u 😂- author)

" paaaaaaa " tankhun entered the room whimpering
" come my son , sit " - Korn said sarcastically .
" paaa , Porsche cheated on kinn" - tankhun .

A moment of silence . Tankhun continued his drama.

" paaaa... say something na ...why are u so silent "... Tankhun said with crocodile tears. " my kinn ... he is again left alone, snifff.... betrayed " ...he continued sobbing and blabbering.

" ENOUGH " - Korn

" what paaa , why are you shouting at me " - tankhun asked in his world famous drama queen tone .

" was Porsche pregnant " asked Korn. 

" how do you know paaa" tankhun answered in a shuttering and shocked voice . He didn't spill the truth even in front of arm and pol.

Khun Korn was just so done with his idiot son . Should he laugh or cry at his stupidity . He led Porsche thrown out by his equally stupid sibling when he was carrying their heir in his womb. Now God knows what will happen to both .

" hmm , nothing is this house is hidden from me " - Korn answered as he tried to stay calm  .

" paaa , you believe the heir is ours ? It might be that, it is of the guy that Porsche slept with " - tankhun .

" those might be fake evidences you fool . Someone is trying to separate kinnporche, can't u see just like you saw tawan framing Porsche from Mars" - Korn busted finally .

Khun korn was also not fully sure about the evidences, but he is not that stupid to bring the facts . He was more concerned about the hier . He purposely plotted Porsche as kinn's head bodyguard, even after knowing he was his nephew , just for power and money, and then declared him as the leader of minor family . Porsche knew all the secrets of the business , and morevover it might be that the unborn child is kinn's, then now how could he end things in this way.

To be continued.....

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